Tracers in Hydrology (IAHS Proceedings & Reports)
The Lower Danube River (East European Monographs S., v.227)
by Spiridon G. Focas
Screening of Hydrological Data (ILRI publication, #49)
by E.R. Dahmen and MJ Hall
Water accounting in the Jordan River Basin (Water Accounting)
The Jordan River Basin is the most important water resource shared between the Middle East countries: Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Its surface water and groundwater have been highly exploited and fought over throughout history. The diverse climate over its area results in spatially variable precipitation and evapotranspiration, thus, variability of water generation and consumption. To be able to manage the water resources in a sustainable manner, it is important to understand the current...
Guidelines of Lake Management
Tracer Hydrology
Tracing techniques have reached an increasing importance in hydrology and hydrogeology. New fields of application arise and new methods were developed in order to meet the recent requirements. Tracers have been used for several decades to study flow conditions, for groundwater reconnaissance and for management of water resources. Due to strong pollution of the environment water protection is one of the main issues, The application of artificial and natural tracers can help in various ways to ass...
ChemConnections (ChemConnections, #0)
by B. Moore, George C. Lisensky, and Arthur B. Ellis
Light-emitting solids are essential for many high technology materials and products, including compact disc (CD) players. Students make use of the periodic table to propose color-specific emitting solids based on knowledge of periodic properties, bonding, electronic transitions, solid structures, and the properties of light.
Trucks, Cars and Planes Coloring Book (Trucks, Cars and Planes, #1)
by Judith Ray
Water resources and services are integrated measures of social systems that range beyond the technical world and the IWRM requires a balance between competing views of social and political issues. This volume focuses on increased awareness of the human dimension, women’s role, environmental protection, sustainability and food security aspects in achieving sustainable water management. Understanding the strategies used by small farmers, as well as how small farming systems work or why they fail,...
Airborne Remote Sensing of Coastal Water (R & D Report, #4)
Telemetry of Hydrological Data by Satellite
A Review of Design Flood Estimation Using the Flood Studies Report Rainfall Runoff Method
by D.B. Boorman, M.C. Acreman, and J. C. Packman
Charophyceae do Brasil
by Carlos Eduardo de Mattos Bicudo and Norma Catarina Bueno
FRIEND (IAHS Proceedings & Reports, #221)
Hard Rock Hydrosystems (IAHS Proceedings & Reports, No. 241.)
Flora of New Zealand - Desmids (Flora of New Zealand)
by H. Croasdale and E.A. Flint
One of a series of books covering the large, well-defined group of fresh water and essentially unicellular plants, belonging to the green algae. This volume describes all the Saccoderm and some of the Placoderm desmids (including Micrasterias), a total of 218 taxa. There are keys for identifying the genera and species, an annotated list of habitats, some ecological comments, a large number of literature references, and seven ecological data tables. The preface includes an account of the morpholo...