Verwendung von Pestiziden durch Weinbauern
by Ravindra Karangami, Sunil Bhange, and Milind Ahire
Морфология и биология размножения танков
by Мд. Рашидул Ислам and Мд. Фазлул Ава Моллах
Fortschritte in der konservierenden Landwirtschaft
by Luiz Gustavo Batista Ferreira
Tracing human interactions with the world’s most famous tropical timber species, The Social Life of Teak maps worlds revolving around teak forests, trees and wood. What gives Tectona grandis such a powerful aura, stoking desires and capturing imaginations? How has teak shaped people’s lives, driving fortunes and impacting futures? What has happened to the teak forests and what is their destiny? In this illustrated anthology of oral histories, people connected personally or professionally to teak...
Anwendung von Paclobutrazol im Boden bei Kesar Mango
by Bhavin C Gohel and V R Malam
Анализ вирулентности цитрусового язвенн&
by Прашант Сингх, Др. Неелам Мауря, and Др. Праша Кумар Сингх
Funghi AM e batteri solubilizzatori di P sulla crescita e sulla resa di Brinjal
by Mahalakshmi J, Sivakumar K, and Venkatesan P
Борьба с пурпурной пятнистостью [альтерна
by С. В. Ундхад, Б. К. Човатия, and M К. Гелани
Weinkonsum und Analyse von alkoholischen Erzeugnissen
by Wenli Sun, Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabian, and Mehdi Khoshkharam
L'eterotopia nella gestione delle risorse forestali
by Quang Nguyen Ngoc
Мелипоника с пчелой Джандайра
by Мэть Гонсалвес Силва and Мария Канд де Алмейда
Strategien und Programme zur Verbesserung der Schwangerschaft in Indien
by Nandani Singh
Увеличение срока хранения мальтийских фр
by Риши Рича, Умеш Чанд Лохани, and Навин Чанд Шахи
Кактусы и Prosopis spp как резервы корма для голодающ
by Маргарет Сьомити, Элиас Маранга, and Гилберт Обвойер
Оценка изменений в рыболовстве в Гондурас
by Мария Хо Арройо Герес
Эффективные микроорганизмы для повышени&
by Маргарет Сьомити, Джозеф Курия, and Рафаэль Вахоме
Роль калия и цинка на сладкий картофель
by Правин Сингх and Ом Пракаш Праджапат
This book on fundamentals of vegetable production includes the on prospects and scope of vegetable farming, constraints in vegetable production, importance of vegetables in human nutrition, classification of vegetables, types of vegetable gardening, climatic impact on vegetable production, seed treatment, nursery management, sowing and transplanting, manures, fertilizers, biofertilizers, water management, mulching and weed management in vegetable crops since the information on the previously men...