A wonderfully entertaining celebration of that most unique of creatures: the sloth.In public estimation, sloths have undergone an astonishing transformation in the course of the past few years. Thanks largely to YouTube clips posted by the sloth orphanage in Costa Rica, sloths have attracted a vast audience of admirers. Instead of seeing them as ridiculous anachronisms of which we know little, they have turned into creatures considered by many to be the most endearing on earth. Over much the sa...
Opossums, Shrews and Moles of British Columbia (RBCM Handbooks)
by David W. Nagorsen
In Opossums, Shrews, and Moles of British Columbia David W.Nagorsen presents a comprehensive summary of the most up-to-dateinformation on these intriguing mammals. He provides generalinformation on their biology, including ecology, diets, anatomy,relations with humans, and conservation. Illustrated keys aid inidentification. In detailed species accounts, the author givesdescriptions of each species, along with their identifyingcharacteristics, natural history and taxonomy. Each account isaccompa...
Mountain lions, sometimes called pumas or cougars, were once spread throughout the United States, occupying all 48 of the contiguous states. By the 1960s, though, they were almost extinct in central and eastern North America. In Mountain Lions of the Black Hills, Dr. Jonathan A. Jenks, who, along with his team of graduate students, has tracked over 200 of these fascinating predators, tells the complex story of the big cats' lives in the northern Great Plains.Jenks reports on mountain lion popula...
Lampreys: Biology, Conservation and Control (Fish & Fisheries, #37)
The book provides the most comprehensive review of lamprey biology since Hardisty and Potter’s five-volume “The Biology of Lampreys” published more than 30 years ago. Published in two volumes, it includes contributions from international lamprey experts, reviewing and providing new insights into the evolution, general biology, and management of lampreys worldwide. This first volume offers up-to-date chapters on the systematics, general biology, conservation status, and conservation needs of lam...
Mammalian Development
A collection of essays on the developmental biology of mammals. The classical approach to embryology, combined with the powerful recombinant DNA technologies, have created in developmental biology one of the most active areas of biological research. It not only aids understanding of how the body and the brain are formed, but also furthers knowledge in fields with direct clinical importance such as gene regulation, cancer, regeneration, wound healing, bone, kidney and muscle development.
Nestled in the woods near Center Point, Indiana, The Exotic Feline Rescue Center houses more than 160 big cats - ranging from lions, tigers, leopards, and pumas, to bobcats and more obscure breeds like the caracal, serval, ocelot, and lynx. But all of the cats at EFRC have one thing in common: they are predators that have suffered abuse and escaped extermination because of EFRC's efforts. Through astonishing images and compelling text, Stephen D. McCloud tells each cat's story. Meet Sinbad, Moll...
An evocative picture of one of the last great predators. A visitor on safari in the Tuli bushlands in summer 1991 would, with luck, have witnessed an extraordinary sight: a pride of lions moving through the scrub. Batian, the pride male, rangy and beautiful; Rafiki and Furaha, his sisters, sleek and powerful; and Gareth, the other male, older, two-legged and human. Gareth Patterson, a young Englishman, adopted three orphaned lions in Kenya and moved the cubs to the safety of the Tuli in southern...
Dian Fossey's classic account of four gorilla families - one of the most important books ever written about our connection to the natural worldFor thirteen years Dian Fossey lived and worked with Uncle Bert, Flossie, Beethoven, Pantsy and Digit in the remote rain forests of the volcanic Virunga Mountains in Africa, establishing an unprecedented relationship with these shy and affectionate beasts.In her base camp, 10,000 feet above sea-level, she struggled daily with rain, loneliness and the ever...
Reproductive Behavior (Advances in Behavioral Biology, #11)
Sexual compatibility between male and female partners is in dispensable to normal and successful fertilization in mammals. Thus, the genes from males and females whose sexual behavior is characterized by awkwardness, ineptness, and miscues are elimi nated from the gene pool of the species. In human societies, this compatibility is not always evident; and the behavior that precedes and accompanies copulation and fertilization is exceed ingly complex and affected by many variables. As in most o...
This second edition offers a comprehensive overview of the physiological functions of vertebrate kidneys from a comparative viewpoint, with particular emphasis on nonmammalian vertebrates. The topics covered include renal structure; glomerular ultrafiltration; tubular transport of inorganic ions, organic substances, and fluid; and urine dilution and concentration. Mammalian renal function is only considered for purposes of comparison with nonmammalian renal function and as a frame of reference f...
Shows the life of kangaroos in the wild, and describes kangaroo characteristics and behavior.
Perspectives on Mammalian Cell Death
Cell death has many different meanings to scientists in different disciplines, who use very different approaches in its study. There is no single definition of cell death which can be accepted and used by all biologists. Yet it is becoming increasingly clear that understanding how and why cells die is crucial to understanding many biological and pathological processes. Cells may die because they are damaged, infected or old. What triggers destruction rather than repair? Do the effects of insult...
The Biology of Epithelial Cell Populations
by Nicholas Wright and Malcolm Alison
Volume 2 covers cell renewal and organization in the gastrointestinal epithelia, and the conditional renewal populations.
A Guide to the Carnivores of Central America
by Carlos L. de la Rosa and Claudia C. Nocke
Carnivores such as pumas, jaguars, and ocelots have roamed the neot-ropical forests of Central America for millennia. Enshrined in the myths of the ancient Maya, they still inspire awe in the region's current inhabitants, as well as in the eco-tourists and researchers who come to experience Central America's diverse and increasingly endangered natural environment. This book is one of the first field guides dedicated to the carnivores of Central America. It describes the four indigenous families...
A marvelously illustrated look at the most deadly predators on the planetTooth and Claw presents the world’s top predators as you have never seen them before, from big cats and wild dogs to sharks, reptiles, and killer whales. Blending gorgeous photos and illustrations with spellbinding storytelling, this book is packed with the latest facts about these fearsome but often misunderstood animals. It covers apex and other top predators in each major vertebrate family, discussing where and how they...
A charming, richly illustrated, pocket-size exploration of the world’s whalesPacked with surprising facts, this delightful and gorgeously designed book will beguile any nature lover. Expertly written and beautifully illustrated throughout with color photographs and original color artwork, The Little Book of Whales is an accessible and enjoyable mini-reference about the world’s whales, with examples drawn from across the globe. It fits an astonishing amount of information in a small package, cove...
Environmental Factors in Mammal Reproduction
The Muscle Spindle
Describes the day-to-day lives of chimpanzees in the wild, looks at how they find food, communicate, and raise their young, and offers a glimpse at their complex society.
The Blue Whale (Fold Out, Find Out S.) (Fold out--find out)
by Philip Steele
This is one of a series which has a storybook approach to non-fiction. Information introduced in the narrative is extended under fold-out flaps, where cartoons illustrate more quirky facts or take a deeper look at relevant topics. Following a whale's yearly journey from the Arctic to the warm, sub-tropical seas, this book describes what whales eat, how they raise their young, and which other animals share their marine world.