Report of the 83rd National Conference on Weights and Measures, Portland, Oregon, July 12-16, 1998
by Gilbert M Galensky
Fundamental Physics in Particle Traps (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, #256)
This volume provides detailed insight into the field of precision spectroscopy and fundamental physics with particles confined in traps. It comprises experiments with electrons and positrons, protons and antiprotons, antimatter and highly charged ions together with corresponding theoretical background. Such investigations represent stringent tests of quantum electrodynamics and the Standard model, antiparticle and antimatter research, test of fundamental symmetries, constants and their possible...
Quarterly Radio Noise Data - March, April, May 1961; NBS Technical Note 18-10
Modern Developments in X-Ray and Neutron Optics (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, #137)
This volume describes modern developments in reflective, refractive and diffractive optics for short wavelength radiation. It also covers recent theoretical approaches to modelling and ray-tracing the x-ray and neutron optical systems. It is based on the joint research activities of specialists in x-ray and neutron optics, working together under the framework of the European Programme for Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST, Action P7) in the period 2002-2006.
Frontiers of Particle Beams: Intensity Limitations (Lecture Notes in Physics, #400)
This is the proceedings of the fourth school in a series of specialized courses organized by CERN's CAS and the American USPAS. It deals with intensity limitations. The contribution thoroughly edited for this publication fall into the following categories: self and environmental fields - coherent instabilities and their simulation - beam-beam interaction - other multi-particle effects - beam source limitations - engineering limitations...
Guide for the Use of the Intenational System of Units (Si)
by Barry N Taylor
The Electrostatic Accelerator (Iop Concise Physics)
by Ragnar Hellborg and Harry J. Whitlow
Electrostatic Accelerators have been at the forefront of modern technology since the development by Sir John Cockroft and Ernest Walton in 1932 of the first accelerator, which was the first to achieve nuclear transmutation and earned them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1951. The applications of Cockroft and Walton's development have been far reaching, even into our kitchens where it is employed to generate the high voltage needed for the magnetron in microwave ovens. Other electrostatic accelerat...
Das vorliegende Lehrbuch bietet Studierenden der Natur- und Ingenieurswissenschaften einen ubersichtlichen und anschaulichen Einstieg in den Umgang mit Messdaten und deren Interpretation unter Verwendung der Messunsicherheit - fruher oft Fehlerrechnung genannt. Dabei stehen das Verstandnis und die Vermittlung von direkt anwendbarem Wissen im Vordergrund. Auf lange mathematische Herleitungen wird weitgehend verzichtet. Auf Basis einiger einfacher Grundprinzipien wie der Verteilung der Messwerte...
The aim of this text is to provide an integrated account of the principles and properties of the most important types of physical transducer, whether analogue or digital. The treatment is primarily from the measured standpoint, so that, for example, the different types of length transducer are discussed and compared together in one chapter. Although transducers are usually thought of as input devices, output transducers are important in measurement systems: these are discussed in the chapter on...