Computer Modelling in Tomography and Ill-Posed Problems (Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, #27)
by Mikhail M. Lavrent'ev, Sergei M Zerkal, and Oleg E Trofimov
Somatostatin Analogues
Featuring chapters from specialists in endocrinology, physiology, pathology, and nuclear medicine, this book provides a multidisciplinary approach to a wide variety of issues concerning somatostatin and its analogues. The book: Provides the most up-to-date coverage of somatostatin analog use in diagnostic and therapyIntegrating the specialties of endocrinology, physiology, pathology, and nuclear medicine, providing the multidisciplinary approach to the topicFocuses on future applications, nove...
Arthur Schleede; Erich Schneider: Rontgenspektroskopie Und Kristallstrukturanalyse. Band 2
In Publication 103, the Commission included a section on the protection of the environment, and indicated that it would be further developing its approach to this difficult subject by way of a set of Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) as the basis for relating exposure to dose, and dose to radiation effects, for different types of animals and plants. Subsequently, a set of 12 RAPs has been described in some detail, particularly with regard to estimation of the doses received by them, at a w...
Interventional Radiologic Techniques
Radiology Today (Current Topics in Neuroendocrinology) (Radiology Today, #1)
by Donner
Health Physics – Radiation–Generating Devices Characteristics, and Hazards
by Joseph John Bevelacqua
The book bridges the gap between existing health physics textbooks and reference material needed by a practicing health physicist as the 21st century progresses. This material necessarily encompasses emerging radiation-generating technologies, advances in existing technology, and applications of existing technology to new areas. The book is written for advanced undergraduate and graduate science and engineering courses. It is also be a useful reference for scientists and engineers.
This publication reviews what is known about the effects of radiation upon such biotic types (or of similar organisms, where more precise data are lacking) with regard to the effects of mortality, morbidity, reduced reproductive success, and chromosomal damage. Drawing on this information, the report derives a set of derived consideration reference levels for each biotic type in order to help optimise the level of effort that might be expended on its environmental protection, or that of similar...
Tissue Elasticity Imaging
Tissue Elasticity Imaging: Volume One: Theory and Methods offers an extensive treatment of the fundamentals and applications of this groundbreaking diagnostic modality. The book introduces elasticity imaging, its history, the fundamental physics, and the different elasticity imaging methods, along with their implementation details, problems and artefacts. It is an essential resource for all researchers and practitioners interested in any elasticity imaging modality. As many diseases, including c...
Justification of practices, including non-medical human imaging (IAEA safety standards, GSG-5)
This Safety Guide was developed to assist governments and regulatory bodies with the assessment of particularly challenging proposals for the use of radiation; in particular, in human imaging for purposes other than medical diagnosis, medical treatment or biomedical research, such as for security screening at airports. It complements the guidance provided in the IAEA Safety Guide on the Regulatory Control of Radiation Sources. It provides guidance to governments and regulatory bodies on the elem...
Essential Molecular Biology: Volume I (Essential Molecular Biology, #234) (Practical Approach)
The two volumes of Essential Molecular Biology: A Practical Approach provide clear theoretical and practical guidance to the fundamental techniques of recombinant DNA analysis. Although of particular value to research workers entering the field for the first time, the protocols described will also be of interest to experienced researchers. Volume I: concentrates on the preparation, purification and handling of nucleic acids, and includes chapters on microbiological procedures and the constru...
The Critical Examination of X-Ray Generating Equipment in Diagnostic Radiology
by Christopher Wood, Peter Howells, and Gillian Rodaks
Radiology Technician Because Surgeons Need Superheroes Too
by Radiologist Publishing
Despite the increase in data and the understanding of both deterministic effects and cancer induction in the skin in recent years, many questions that are important for risk estimation remain. This report, adopted by the ICRP in November 1991, is the work of a Task Group set up to consider the biological basis for dose limitation in the skin. The Task Group reviewed available dose-effect data for cancer induction and deterministic effects in the skin to estimate for these effects; it reviewed ev...
In March 1987 the International Commission on Radiological Protection established a Task Group of Committee 2 "to evaluate dose per unit intake for members of the public". In this, the second of two reports given by the Task Group, ingestion dose coefficients are given for isotopes of sulphur, cobalt, nickel, zinc, molybdenum, technetium, silver, tellurium and polonium using the new tissue weighting factors (wT) given by the Commission in its 1990 Recommendations. Revised ingestion dose coeffici...