Interface phenomena are most fascinating because of the mixing of different scales and the interference of diverse physical processes. This makes it necessary to use different levels of description: microscopic, kinetic, and gas-dynamical. A unified quasiclassical approach is used to answer practical questions dealing with inelastic gas-surface scattering, the kinetics of adsorption layers, the evolution of inhomogeneities and defects at the surface, the Knudsen layer, the development of boundar...
Magnetic Hysteresis in Novel Magnetic Materials (Nato Science Series E:, #338)
A detailed presentation of the physics of the various hysteresis models that are currently used to explain the magnetization reversal process, including coherent and incoherent magnetization processes, micromagnetism and its application in thin films, multilayers, nanowires, particles and bulk magnets, domain wall pinning and domain wall dynamics, and Preisach modelling. Some of the faulty concepts and interpretations that still exist in the literature are rectified. Magnetic imaging tech...
Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Complex Systems (Advances in Opto-Electronics, #7)
by Kenju Otsuka
This book is the first comprehensive volume on nonlinear dynamics and chaos in optical systems. A few books have been published recently, but they summarize applied mathematical methodologies toward understanding of nonlinear dynamics in laser systems with small degrees of freedom focusing on linearized perturbation and bifurcation analyses. In contrast to these publications, this book summarizes nonlinear dynamic problems in optical complex systems possessing large degrees of freedom, sy...
Holography MarketPlace 1st edition (Holography Marketplace, #1)
by Franz Ross
In diesem Lehrbuch werden grundlegende methodische Ansatze fur den modellbasierten Systementwurf von mechatronischen Systemen in systematischer und geschlossener Form dargestellt. Der vorgestellte Methodenkanon umfasst domanenneutrale Methoden zur Modellbildung und Verhaltensanalyse: Multidomanenmodellierung (energie-/tor-/signalbasiert), Simulationstechnik (ODE-/DAE-/Hybride-Systeme), robuste Regelungsansatze, stochastische Verhaltensanalyse und quantitative Entwurfsbewertung uber Systembudgets...
Semiconductor Ceramics (Ellis Horwood series in physics & its applications)
by Leszek Hozer
Matrix Calculus and Kronecker Product with Applications and C++ Programs
by Willi-hans Steeb
The Kronecker product of matrices plays a central role in mathematics and in applications found in engineering and theoretical physics. These applications are signal processing, statistical physics, quantum groups and quantum computers. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the Kronecker product of matrices together with its software implementation in C++ using an object-oriented design.
Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems and Symmetry (Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics)
by Philip Holmes, John L. Lumley, and Gahl Berkooz
For turbulent flows at relatively low speeds there exists an excellent mathematical model in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Why then is the 'problem of turbulence' so difficult? One reason is that these nonlinear partial differential equations appear to be insoluble, except through numerical simulations, which offer useful approximations but little direct understanding. Three recent developments offer new hope. First, the discovery by experimentalists of coherent structures in certa...
Environmental Degradation of Advanced and Traditional Engineering Materials
One of the main, ongoing challenges for any engineering enterprise is that systems are built of materials subject to environmental degradation. Whether working with an airframe, integrated circuit, bridge, prosthetic device, or implantable drug-delivery system, understanding the chemical stability of materials remains a key element in determining their useful life. Environmental Degradation of Advanced and Traditional Engineering Materials is a monumental work for the field, providing comprehe...
Valuepack:Physics with MATLAB for engineers and Foundation Maths
by Anthony Croft, Robert Davison, James S Walker, and Holly Moore
Foundation Maths has been written for students taking higher and further education courses who have not specialised in mathematics on post-16 qualifications and need to use mathematical tools in their courses. It is ideally suited to those studying marketing, business studies, management, science, engineering, social science, geography, combined studies and design. It will be useful for those who lack confidence and who need careful, steady guidance in mathematical methods. For those whose ma...
China and the International Astronomical Union (Historical & Cultural Astronomy)
by Thierry Montmerle and Yi Zhou
Seen from “inside the IAU,” this book tells the in-depth story of a major crisis in which China “divorced” from the International Astronomical Union in 1960 as a protest against the admission of Taiwan. This happened to all the scientific unions at the same time, and to the Olympic Games, which, unexpectedly, would serve as a laboratory for the “reconciliation” which took place following the re-opening of China to the world 20 years later. The so-called “China conflict” is the most important c...
Here is the most reliable, proven, and authoritative training material available for those wishing to make the career-enhancing jump from installing data systems to actually designing them. This heavily illustrated volume provides the time-tested methods and procedures you need to master the design and customization of network infrastructure plans capable of meeting a client's most exacting requirements. BICSI's world-renowned official training material is based on Network Design Basics for Cabl...
The second volume in the author's three-part series, Properties of Materials uses the principles of classical mechanics to qualitatively and quantitatively model specific features of matter. The text develops linear models of elasticity to correlate and quantify the changes in an object's shape induced by the application of a constant force. It describes quiescent and flowing liquids and gases and examines the behavior of oscillating systems subjected to time-dependent external applied forces....
Gaussian Beam
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster