Protein Structural Biology in Biomedical Research (Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology; 22, #1997)
by C Woodward
Plant Metabolic Flux Analysis (Methods in Molecular Biology, #1090)
In Plant Metabolic Flux Analysis, expert researchers in the field provide detailed experimental procedures for each step of the flux quantification workflow. Steady state and dynamic modeling are considered, as well as recent developments for the reconstruction of metabolic networks and for a predictive modeling. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, st...
Loeffler/Petrides Biochemie Und Pathobiochemie (Springer-Lehrbuch, #1)
Jetzt kommt Bewegung in die Biochemie! Die ganze Welt der Biochemie und Pathobiochemie in 74 uberschaubaren Kapiteln und uber 1000 Abbildungen erklart - da bleibt keine Frage offen. Und mehr noch, damit Sie die komplexen Vorgange in Stoffwechsel, Signaltransduktion und Molekularbiologie schneller verstehen, sind mit der kostenlosen MoreMediaApp uber 400, teils vertonte Videos direkt aus dem Buch abrufbar - einfach das Bild mit dem Smartphone oder Tablet scannen und schon werden Citratzyklus, D...
by Chris R Calladine, Horace R Drew, Ben F Luisi, and Andrew A Travers
In the last 50 years a wealth of information has allowed us to understand the contribution of various regulatory factors that alter mRNA and protein s- thesis to a variety of physiological and pathological conditions. However, such regulation is only one of many factors that contribute to the levels of a given p- tein. One major factor that has been relatively obscure until recently has been the contribution of protein degradation to the regulation of the steady state level of protein expression...
Cell-Cell Channels (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)
he biological sciences are dominated by the idea that cells are the functionally autonomous, physically separated, discrete units of life. TThis concept was propounded in the 19th century by discoveries of the cellular structuring of both plants and animals. Moreover, the ap parent autonomy of unicellular eukaryotes, as well as the cellular basis of the mammalian brain (an organ whose anatomy for a long while defied attempts to validate the idea of the cellular nature of its neurons), seemed to...
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry
Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry has always been characterized by its unique and comprehensive content. Since publication of the 2nd edition, many important discoveries have been made leading to novel concepts in several areas of biochemistry, and new technologies have advanced our understanding of key processes of life. All of these advances are included in the new and expanded third edition. This is the most up-to-date and complete resource on biochemistry and molecular biology, provided t...
This volume describes and integrates the techniques and fundamentals of more than a decade of revolutionary advances in both chromatographic and mass spectrometric technologies that have enabled the direct investigation of biomacromolecules per se and have provided the analytical power base to usher in the new fields of proteomics and systems biology. It also covers new biophysical applications such as H/D exchange for study of conformations, protein-protein and protein-metal and ligand inter...
Molecular Biology of Cell
Neurochemical Systems and Signaling
Human brain made up of billions of neurons; communicate with each other through chemical messengers which are referred to as neuroactive substances. These neuroactive substances include neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, neurohormones and neuromodulators. Some neurotransmitters also act as neuromodulators and neurohormones. It would be cynical if there will ever be general covenant about the meanings of these neuroactive substances including neurotransmitters since the term neurotransmitter has...
Molecular Machines
The studies of molecular machines and their application are very active at this moment because of their long-standing prospective. All that attention of the whole scientific community started with the award of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry to John Walker and Paul Boyer in 1997 for their work in elucidating the mechanism of the rotary generator of ATP in the mitochondrion. The expected benefits of their uses are now well known: ultimate size, possibility to design finely-tuned molecular devices a...
Design Strategies to Avoid Drug Resistance (Methods in Enzymology)
Design Strategies to Avoid Drug Resistance, Volume 668 in the Methods in Enzymology serial, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of topics, including Machine learning in predicting the molecular mechanisms of drug resistance, TP53 mutations as molecular drivers in metastatic cancers, Avoiding antibiotic resistance in DHFR, Mutational fitness landscape and resistance, Avoiding Resistance in antivirals, Molecular mechanisms of anti...
Evolutionary Biology of Transient Unstable Population
An overview of speciation theory reveals an increasingly held view that many events leading to the origin of new species occur in transient, unstable populations. A transient, unstable population should be under stood as a fast episodic phase in a population subjected to genetic and environmental factors that tend to disrupt its cohesive, balanced genome architecure, thus enhancing its probability to produce a new species. Striking the core of Darwinian thought, some authors claim that these. pr...
The Viking Age lasted a little over three centuries, but has left a lasting legacy across Europe. These dynamic warrior-traders from Scandinavia, who fought and interacted with peoples as far apart as North America, Russia, and Central Asia, are some of the most recognizable historical figures in the western world. In the modern imagination they represent ruthlessness, heroism, adventurousness, and a unique prestige embellished by the wondrous tales and poetry of the sagas. Yet the sum of eviden...
Biologically active compounds isolated from microorganisms continue to be vital to the development of new drugs and agricultural chemicals. This book was prepared by current and past members of the laboratory of Dr. Satoshi Omura of the Kitasato Institute in Japan. Dr. Omura and his colleagues have discovered and studied a number of important antibiotics, and in their work they have pioneered new methods for screening microbes for interesting and important compounds. This book presents strategie...
Hypertheromphilic Enzymes, Part a (Methods in Enzymology) (American Popular Culture)
The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for more than forty years, Methods in Enzymologyis one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volume has been eagerly awaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. Now with more than 300 volumes (all of them still in print), the series contains much material still relevant today--truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences. This volume...