Inositol Phospholipid Metabolism and Phosphatidyl Inositol Kinases (Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
This book offers a wide ranging and review of cutting edge developments along with tried and tested methods for isolation, resolution and quantification of inositol phospholipids and inositol polyphosphates in both cells and tissues. It includes detailed and rigorous methodology for identification of molecular species of inositol phospholipids, including their phosphates and glycans, with numerous examples of specific applications. Wherever available, both chromatographic and mass spectrometri...
With the high interest in renewable resources, the field of algal biotechnology has undergone a huge leap in importance in recent years. The book Microalgae Biotechnology - Integration and Economy treats integrated approaches to bring the high potential of microalgae into application, accelerate the development of really working production processes and put finally the products on the market. Close interaction of biology and process engineering becomes visible in the described processes. The big...
Molecular Plant Biology Vol. 1 (Molecular Plant Biology (Paperback), #1) (Practical Approach)
Molecular Plant Biology is an all-new replacement for the original Practical Approach book Plant Molecular Biology that was first published in 1988. The rapid advances made in plant sciences during the past decade are reflected by the need to produce a two-volume book to cover all the relevant methodologies. The new book incorporates many of the fundamental procedures outlined in the original book, but these are fully updated to reflect advances technology and the development of new methodolog...
The study of plant cell expansion involves many different disciplines and technical approaches, and this book brings this diversity together to present a multifaceted view of the most up-to-date knowledge. Coverage includes data ranging from biophysical measurements and chemical analysis to molecular biological approaches and microscopy.
Extracellular Nucleotides and Nucleosides (Current Topics in Membranes, #54)
by Erik Mills Schwiebert
Purinergic receptors are proteins that bind ATP as their extracellular ligand. Once thought only as an intracellular molecule that provides energy, ATP is also now considered an essential autocrine/paracrine agonist that acts extracellularly within tissues and tissue microenvironments. Receptors for ATP and its metabolites, so-called "purinergic receptors," are essential membrane receptors that transduce the extracellular signal carried by ATP. Many cell types or tissues express multiple type...
Advances in Enzyme Regulation (Advances in Enzyme Regulation, #44)
by G. Weber
This volume concentrates on subjects in the field of enzyme regulation which have reached the stage of productive summarization and critical evaluation in the light of extensive new results. This volume, comprising 21 articles by leading authorities, lives up to its goal of advancing a few steps ahead of the general front of mammalian enzyme regulation studies.
Loose Leaf Version for Genetics: Analysis and Principles
by Robert J Brooker
The role that primary amino acid sequences plays in influencing the partitioning of polypeptides between productive folding and irreversible aggregation pathways has introduced a whole new dimension to the folding problem. The volume deals with the structures of the products of protein misassembly and the role of amino acid sequences in favoring these structures.
The Golgi Apparatus: State of the Art 110 Years After Camillo Golgi's Discovery
Modeling Protein Evolution and Its Bioinformatics Applications
by Goldstein Richard A
While there are many books available on bioinformatics and on molecular evolution, there are none that adequately address the interaction of these two areas. Filling this gap, this book covers both the fundamentals of evolutionary theory and its application to bioinformatics. It gives readers a broad overview of the nature of molecular evolution, techniques that have been developed for modelling this evolution, tools to interpret biological information in an evolutionary context, and software th...
Valuepack: Genes VIII with Microbiology with the diseases by Taxonomy.
by Benjamin Lewin and Robert W. Ph.D. Bauman
Two decades ago Benjamin Lewin's Genes revolutionised the teaching of molecular biology and molecular genetics by introducing a unified approach to bacteria and higher organisms. Genes has remained at the cutting edge of molecular biology, covering gene structure, organisation, and expression. Filled with lively vignettes and cutting-edge research that highlight the intrinsic appeal of microbiology, Bauman's "Mircobiology" Second Edition retains the book's groundbreaking art program, includes a...
This volume brings together the principle data currently available in the field of protein phosphorylation. It demonstrates the importance of the role played by protein kinases in the developmental processes and also in responses to signals from the environment.
Microarray Technology in Practice
by Steve Russell, Lisa Meadows, and Roslin Russell
Using chips composed of thousands of spots, each with the capability of holding DNA molecules corresponding to a given gene, DNA microarray technology has enabled researchers to measure simultaneously gene expression across the genome. As with other large-scale genomics approaches, microarray technologies are broadly applicable across disciplines of life and biomedical sciences, but remain daunting to many researchers. This guide is designed to demystify the technology and inform more biologist...
Connect Access Card for Microbiology
by Joanne Willey, Kathleen Sandman, and Dorothy Wood
Gen Combo Looseleaf Microbiology; Connect W/Learnsmart Labs Access Card
by Marjorie Kelly Cowan
Despite its inherent controversy, the exploration of the human embryo can unlock many of the answers to our deepest biological questions. In Human Embryogenesis: Methods and Protocols, internationally recognized researchers contribute detailed methods to analyze various aspects of the embryogenesis process. While comprehensively covering subjects such as the molecular mechanisms of embryonic development, in vitro fertilization, cloning, and the laws and ethical considerations of working with emb...
Cell-Cell Interactions in the Release of Inflammatory Mediators (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, #314)
This volume constitutes. in part. the proceedings of the symposium on "Cell-Cell Interaction and Release of Inflammatory Mediators" organized by Drs. Patrick Y-K Wong and Charles N. Serhan and presented at the FASEB meeting in Washington. D.C. in April. 1990. It contains chapters by the symposium speakers as well as contributions from investigators in this field. Readers will find exciting advances in this volume. which contains chapters dedicated to state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of Ce...
Bacterial Pathogenesis, Part B: Interaction of Pathogenic Bacteria with Host Cells (Methods in Enzymology)
This volume of Methods in Enzymology contains contributions covering the wide spectrum of interactions between bacterial pathogens and their eukaryotic hosts. It complements Volume 235, in which methods for the isolation and identification of bacterial pathogens and associated virulence determinants are described. Since the study of bacterial pathogenesis borrows from a great variety of technologies and disciplines, we aim to provide the reader with a representative sample of the most advanced p...