Science of Ceramics
Cream Quantitative Structure -- Activity or Property Relationships (QSAR/QSPR) to explain the observed activities or properties of compounds then predict them for new compounds. SciQSAR makes this job easy with its use of 2D and 3D molecular descriptors and fast statistical routines. It's a timesaving software tool for researchers working in materials or life sciences.
Amyloid, Prions, and Other Protein Aggregates, Part B (Methods in Enzymology)
by Indu Kheterpal
Gene Expression Systems: Using Nature for the Art of Expression offers detailed information on a wide variety of gene expression systems from an array of organisms. It describes several different types of expression systems including transient, stable, viral, and transgenic systems. Each chapter is written by a leader in the field. The book includes timelines and examples for each expression system, and provides an overview of the future of recombinant protein expression.
Molecular Biology of the Photosynthetic Pparatus
Advances in Hybridization Techniques for Gene and Genome Mapping and Sequencing (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)
by Jorg Hoheisel
International Review of Cytology V110 (International Review of Cytology)
A compilation of test methods useful in risk assessment of transgenic plants. It is intended to aid the environmental researcher in finding and comparing relevant methods quickly and easily. It is also suitable as a reference work for those working in plant population biology and genetics. The major processes affecting the fate of plants are covered, with emphasis on invasion, competition and establishment, eg seed dispersal, density-dependent competition, and plant growth. Ecosystem effects and...
DNA Replication Control in Microbial Cell Factories
by Monika Glinkowska, Lidia Boss, and Grzegorz Wegrzyn
Molecules in Laser Fields
This text presents the major advances in both intense laser fields phenomena and laser control of photochemical reactions - highlighting experimental and theoretical research on the interaction of simple molecules with intense laser fields. The book introduces new concepts such as above-threshold ionization (ATI), above-threshold dissociation (ATD), laser-induced avoided crossings, and coherent control.
Gold and Silver Staining (Advances in Pathology, Microscopy, & Molecular Morphology)
Immunogold silver staining is one of the most sensitive techniques available for visualizing the location of antibodies and nucleotide probes that have been bounded to specific antigens or to nucleotide sequences. As gold and silver staining continues to advance research in molecular morphology, this book presents the information you need to know about the various staining methods, their useful applications, and the advantages and drawbacks of each process. Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques i...
This conference represents the first time in my life when I felt it was a misfor tune, rather than a major cause of my happiness, that I do conservation work in New Guinea. Yes, it is true that New Guinea is a fascinating microcosm, it has fascinating birds and people, and it has large expanses of undisturbed rainforest. In the course of my work there, helping the Indonesian government and World Wildlife Fund set up a comprehensive national park system, I have been able to study animals in areas...
Atlas of Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
by Mauro Cresti, Department of Botany Stephen Blackmore, and Jacobus L Van Went
Comprising about one hundred plates this atlas documents anddescribes the processes concerning the sexual reproductionin higher plants. It is dividedinto three parts:- Anther Development- Pistil Development- Progamic Phase and Fertilization.The scanning, transmission electron and light micrographsare all of immaculate quality and - for the viewer'sorientation - almost each plate is complemented by a schemeshowing a larger area of the plant indicating the site ofthe section.Together with instruct...
Gen Combo LL Microbiology; Connect /Learnsmart Labs Ac; Benson Micbio Appl LM
by Marjorie Kelly Cowan
Microarray Analysis of the Physical Genome (Methods in Molecular Biology, #556)
In the early years of microarray technology, efforts were directed mainly at profiling expressed genes, while recently the microarray platform has been adapted into diverse applications directed toward the investigation of the physical genome. In Microarray Analysis of the Physical Genome: Methods and Protocols, experts in the field cover DNA microarray applications for the detection and characterization of genomic DNA-associated copy number alteration, loss of heterozygosity (LOH), cytosine met...
In the second edition of Cell-Cell Interactions: Methods and Protocols, expert researchers in the field detail a collection of protocols to examine interactions between cells. These include protocols that focus on both in vivo and in vitro methods-based approaches. New updated chapters also bring together many currently used assays in examining cell-cell interactions and the biological consequences of those interactions. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series forma...
Pollen, the plant structure most widely used by humans, is a key structure in plant reproduction giving rise to fruits and seeds. Moreover, the biotechnological use of pollen is of great importance for plant breeders since it allows to obtain varieties with better utilization and yield. In the first part, the successive steps of pollen development in the anther from floral induction to pollen germination and fertilization are thoroughly examined; the second part is devoted to pollen behaviour in...
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis When the handbook Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, was first introduced in 1954, the considerations were: 1. the dependence of scientific progress in biology on the improvement of existing and the introduction of new methods; 2. the difficulty in finding many new analytical methods in specialized journals which are normally not accessible to experimental plant biologists; 3. the fact that in the methods sections of papers the description of methods is frequently...
Cytometry: New Developments: New Developments (Methods in Cell Biology)