Suggested experiments introduce the characteristics and uses of paper and demonstrate some basic scientific principles.
The Physical Principles of Stm and Afm Operation
by Gerold Doyen and Dejana Drakova
High Aperture Focusing of EM Waves and Applications in Optical Microscopy
by J. R. Sheppard and P. Torok
Super-Resolution Microscopy Techniques in the Neurosciences (Neuromethods, #86)
Super-Resolution Microscopy Techniques in the Neurosciences serves as a comprehensive description of current super-resolution techniques, including the physical principles that allowed for their development, some of the most recent neurobiological applications and selected information for the practical use of these technologies. Written for the Neuromethods series, this detailed work contains contributions from experts in the field and provides key implementation advice to ensure successful res...
Confocal Microscopy
Confocal microscopes are finding a great many applications in biology, the other life sciences, opthtamology, industrial inspection, and semiconductor linewidth metrology. Concentrating on the science and applications of confocal microscopy, this book includes all the latest developments in three-dimensional processing techniques. The physical basis of imaging as welll as practical methods by which images are obtained in both laser-based and tandem scanning confocal microscopes are covered. Exam...
Provides a variety of projects and activities based on the theme of summer.
Parallel Science and Engineering Applications
Developed in the context of science and engineering applications, with each abstraction motivated by and further honed by specific application needs, Charm++ is a production-quality system that runs on almost all parallel computers available. Parallel Science and Engineering Applications: The Charm++ Approach surveys a diverse and scalable collecti
The ability to summarise data, compare models and apply computer-based analysis tools are vital skills necessary for studying and working in the physical sciences. This textbook supports undergraduate students as they develop and enhance these skills. Introducing data analysis techniques, this textbook pays particular attention to the internationally recognised guidelines for calculating and expressing measurement uncertainty. This new edition has been revised to incorporate Excel (R) 2010. It a...
Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R (Chapman & Hall/CRC: The R)
by Owen Jones, Robert Maillardet, and Andrew Robinson
Known for its versatility, the free programming language R is widely used for statistical computing and graphics, but is also a fully functional programming language well suited to scientific programming. An Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R teaches the skills needed to perform scientific programming while also introducing stochastic modelling. Stochastic modelling in particular, and mathematical modelling in general, are intimately linked to scientific programming b...
Erfassung der Pulswelle am Unterarm (Aktuelle Forschung Medizintechnik - Latest Research in Medic)
by Robert Couronne
Die nichtinvasive Erfassung des arteriellen Pulswellensignals erlaubt Pulsmessung, Pulsoximetrie bis hin zu Gefäßrisikobewertung direkt am Unterarm. Robert Couronné beschreibt zwei Modellsimulationen der Photonenausbreitung im Unterarmgewebe. Anhand gemessener Intensitäten verifiziert der Autor die erweiterte Lambert-Beer-Beziehung eines planaren Schichtenmodells und untersucht mithilfe eines Zylindermodells die Intensitätsverteilung entlang des Unterarmumfangs, wobei bevorzugte Ableitregionen...
Forensic Microscopy
Forensic Microscopy: Truth Under the Lenses provides an overview and understanding of the various types of microscopes and their techniques employed in forensic science. The book emphasizes both the theoretical and practical aspects of microscopy to enrich the reader’s understanding of the various tools, techniques, and utility—including strengths and weaknesses—of types of microscopes in analyzing certain forms of evidence. The book begins with the history of microscopes, the basic optics for...
Science Tools (Learning Center: Emergent Readers)
by Susan Canizares and Betsey Chessen
A simple introduction to some of the tools that help us make scientific discoveries, including the funnel, ruler, magnifier, and eyedropper.