New Computation Methods for Geometrical Optics (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, #178)
by Psang Dain Lin
This book employs homogeneous coordinate notation to compute the first- and second-order derivative matrices of various optical quantities. It will be one of the important mathematical tools for automatic optical design. The traditional geometrical optics is based on raytracing only. It is very difficult, if possible, to compute the first- and second-order derivatives of a ray and optical path length with respect to system variables, since they are recursive functions. Consequently, current comm...
Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, Fifth Edition (Electromagnetic Physics)
by Joseph John Thomson
These proceedings contain a selection of papers presented at a symposium on semiconductor interfaces. Topics covered include metal/silicon, semiconductor hetero-interface, characterization, semiconducting new materials, control of interface properties and contact metallization.
Multiobjective Shape Design in Electricity and Magnetism (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, #47)
by Paolo Di Barba
Multiobjective Shape Design in Electricity and Magnetism is entirely focused on electric and magnetic field synthesis, with special emphasis on the optimal shape design of devices when conflicting objectives are to be fulfilled. Direct problems are solved by means of finite-element analysis, while evolutionary computing is used to solve multiobjective inverse problems. This approach, which is original, is coherently developed throughout the whole manuscript. The use of game theory, dynamic optim...
Collective Atom–Light Interactions in Dense Atomic Vapours (Springer Theses)
by James Keaveney
The propagation of light in 'dense media' where dipole-dipole interactions play a role is a fundamental topic that was first studied in the work of Clausius, Mossotti, Lorenz and Lorentz in the latter half of the nineteenth century. However, until recently there remained some areas of controversy: for example, whereas the Lorentz model for a gas predicts a resonance shift, a discrete dipole model does not. This thesis makes the first combined measurement of both the Lorentz shift and the associa...
Femtosecond Laser Filamentation (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, #55)
by See Leang Chin
This book attempts to give a discussion of the physics and current and potential applications of the self-focusing of an intense femtosecond laser pulse in a tra- parent medium. Although self-focusing is an old subject of nonlinear optics, the consequence of self-focusing of intense femtosecond laser pulses is totally new and unexpected. Thus, new phenomena are observed, such as long range lam- tation, intensity clamping, white light laser pulse, self-spatial ltering, self-group phase locking, s...
Radio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication Applications (Signals and Communication Technology)
by Herve Sizun
The first radio links, wireless telegraphy, were established at the beginnings of the twentieth century by Marconi, who drew upon the theory developed by Maxwell and upon the experimental researches conducted by Hertz. In France, such renown scientists, mathematicians, physicists and experimenters as Poincare, Blondel and the General Ferrie played a crucial role in the development of radiocommunications, more particularly through theoretical and experimental researches which contributed to a bet...
The New Superconductors (Selected Topics in Superconductivity)
by Frank J Owens and Charles P Poole, Jr.
In The New Superconductors, Frank J. Owens and Charles P. Poole, Jr., offer a descriptive, non-mathematical presentation of the latest superconductors and their properties for the non-specialist. Highlights of this up-to-date text include chapters on superfluidity, the latest copper oxide types, fullerenes, and prospects for future research. The book also features many examples of commercial applications; an extensive glossary that defines superconductivity terms in clear language; and a...
Superconductor/Semiconductor Junctions (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, #174)
by Thomas Schapers
This book, featuring the most comprehensive treatment of Josephson junctions ever published, describes superconductor/two-dimensional-electron-gas (2DEG) structures, providing a better understanding of their transport properties. It also discusses the control of junctions using gate electrodes or injection currents, and the physical effects observed in these junctions.
Dynamics in Microwave Chemistry
by Kama Huang, Xiaoqing Yang, and Huacheng Zhu
This book addresses microwave chemistry at both the physical and molecular level. Its main goal is to elaborate the highly complex scientific issues involved in the fundamental theory of microwave chemistry, and in industrialized applications in the near future.The book provides detailed insights into the characterization and measurement of dielectric properties under complex conditions, such as chemical reactions, high-temperature environments, etc. Considerable attention is paid to the theory...
Economic Competitiveness of American Samoa, The: Financial Returns, Labor Productivity and International Gaps
The Feynman Lectures on Physics (The Feynman lectures on physics, #20)
by Richard P Feynman
These are the audio recordings of the Caltech lectures from which Richard Feynman's textbook, Lectures on Physics, were produced. Volume 2 makes up a course in Advanced Quantum Mechanics and includes chapters on symmetry in physical laws, identical particles, symmetry and conservation laws, the hydrogen atom and the periodic table, and the Schroedinger equation in a classical context, including a seminar on superconductivity.
Economic Competitiveness of Bahrain, The: Financial Returns, Labor Productivity and International Gaps