This book helps readers integrate in silico, in vitro, and in vivo ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination and toxicity) and PK (pharmacokinetics) data with routine testing applications so that pharmaceutical scientists can diagnose ADMET problems and present appropriate recommendations to move drug discovery programs forward. The book introduces the current clinical practice for drug discovery and development along with the impact on early risk assessment; consolidates the tool...
Millions of people are suffering from chronic illnesses that, unbeknownst to them, are the result of exposure to environmental toxins and infectious agents such as mold and Borrelia, which causes Lyme disease. Millions. Because the symptoms of these illnesses are so varied and unusual, many of these individuals have sought medical care only to be dismissed, as if what they are experiencing is “in their head.” Many (if not most) have tried to tough it out and continue to function without hope of...
With nanotechnology being a relatively new field, the questions regarding safety and ethics are steadily increasing with the development of the research. This book aims to give an overview on the ethics associated with employing nanoscience for products with everyday applications. The risks as well as the regulations are discussed, and an outlook for the future of nanoscience on a manufacturer's scale and for the society is provided. Handbook of Nanoethics is perfect for , academicians and...
[Set Ethics in Nanotechnology]
With Nanotechnology being a relatively new field, the questions regarding safety and ethics are steadily increasing with the development of the research. This book aims to give an overview on the ethics associated with employing nanoscience for products with everyday applications. The risks as well as the regulations are discussed, and an outlook for the future of nanoscience on a manufacturer's scale and for the society are provided. This book presents an overview of new and emerging nanotec...
Polyfluorinated Substances (PFCs) and the National Water Crisis
by Nicholas P Cheremisinoff
"A clear, succinct, scientific explanation" (Deepak Chopra) of the twenty-five hot-button issues that keep today's parents up at night. Why do kids today have more allergies? Is it safe to let a child use a cell phone? Are the dangers posed by sunscreen outweighed by its protective value? Do vitamins and supplements really make a difference? These are just a few of the thousands of concerns hotly debated on the playground and in the media-but parents still lack objective knowledge on what's...
History of Clinical Chemistry
The overall theme for the Congress is "Basic Science in Toxicology". This volume is a compliation of papers presented as plenary lectures and in symposia at the Fifth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT V) held under the aegis of the International Union of Toxicology and hosted by the British Toxicology Society. The conference was held in July 1989 and was attended by over 1000 delegates.
This book focuses on an important aspect of the methods in laboratory animal inhalation toxicology. It is targeted to students in toxicology programs and scientists contemplating performing inhalation studies.
Computational Toxicology (Wiley Series on Technologies for the Pharmaceutical Industry)
A key resource for toxicologists across a broad spectrum of fields, this book offers a comprehensive analysis of molecular modelling approaches and strategies applied to risk assessment for pharmaceutical and environmental chemicals. Provides a perspective of what is currently achievable with computational toxicology and a view to future developmentsHelps readers overcome questions of data sources, curation, treatment, and how to model / interpret critical endpoints that support 21st century haz...
Mitochondrial Dysfunction Caused by Drugs and Environmental Toxicants
Developed as a one-stop reference source for drug safety and toxicology professionals, this book explains why mitochondrial failure is a crucial step in drug toxicity and how it can be avoided. • Covers both basic science and applied technology / methods • Allows readers to understand the basis of mitochondrial function, the preclinical assessments used, and what they reveal about drug effects • Contains both in vitro and in vivo methods for analysis, including practical screening app...
Ecotoxicology Essentials: Environmental Contaminants and Their Biological Effects on Animals and Plants provides a fundamental understanding of this area for students and professionals in ecotoxicology, ecology, conservation, chemistry, public health, wildlife management, fisheries, and many other disciplines. Although new chemicals and potential problems are developed every year, a basic education is essential to address these new challenges, and this work gives such training. Written with the...
Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology
by Robert J Flanagan, Andrew A. Taylor, Ian D. Watson, and Robin Whelpton
Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology is an integrated introduction to the analysis of drugs, poisons, and other foreign compounds in biological and related specimens. Assuming only basic knowledge of analytical chemistry, this invaluable guide helps trainee analytical toxicologists understand the principles and practical skills involved in detecting, identifying, and measuring a broad range of compounds in various biological samples. Clear, easy-to-read chapters provide detailed information on...
Gasotransmitters (Metallobiology, Volume 12)
Gasotransmitters are gas molecules produced endogenously in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells for signalling purposes. This book provides, for the first time, a comprehensive description and systematic look at all gasotransmitters, established or proposed, since their detection in 2002. The content and scope covers the production, metabolism, and signalling roles of gasotransmitters. Conceptual advances, scientific discoveries and newly developed techniques described in this book influence our un...
Bird and Reptile Species in Environmental Risk Assessment Strategies (Issues in Toxicology, Volume 45)
With the expansion of human settlements and the environmental changes brought on by human activity and pollutants, toxicology and risk assessment of bird and reptile species is becoming increasingly of interest to toxicologists involved in environmental research. This book focuses specifically on environmental risk assessment in non-conventional bird and reptile species. Bird and Reptile Species in Environmental Risk Assessment Strategies will be an ideal companion to toxicologists and ecologist...
Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology (Issues in Toxicology, Volume 33)
The potential impact of anthropogenic pollutants such as agrochemicals on the environment is of global concern. Increasing use of certain compounds can result in contamination of food, water and atmospheric systems and in order to combat this pollution it is important to be able to accurately monitor the short and long term effects.This book describes the latest aquatic species models used as indicators of the toxic effects of environmental pollutants, including models that have not routinely be...
Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved A unique document written by renowned psychopharmo -gist Shulgin and his partner which gives details of his research and investigations into the use of psychedelic drugs for the study of the human mind. Also describes in detail a wealth of phenet- hlyamines, their physical properties, dosages used and duration of effects observed, and commentary.
Aquatic Contamination Authoritative resource presenting techniques and technologies to sustainably neutralize environmental contamination in aquatic plants, microorganisms, and more Two thirds of the Earth is covered with aquatic habitats that play a key role in stabilizing the global environment and providing a wide variety of services to increasing human needs. Nevertheless, anthropogenic activities are rapidly destroying the quality of both fresh and marine waters globally, due to excessive...
Assessment, Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Influenced Soils
Assessment, Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Influenced Soils covers processes operating in the environment as a result of mining activity, including the whole spectra of negative effects of anthropopressure and the environment, from changes in soil chemistry, changes in soil physical properties, geomechanical disturbances, and mine water discharges. Mining activity and its waste are an environmental concern. Knowledge of the fate of potentially harmful elements and their effect on plan...
Dr. Neil Nathan introduces fresh insights, updated information, and vital medical breakthroughs in this second edition of his bestselling book. Millions of people are suffering from chronic illnesses that, unbeknownst to them, are the result of exposure to environmental toxins and infectious agents such as mold and Borrelia, which causes Lyme disease. Millions. Because the symptoms of these illnesses are so varied and unusual, many of these individuals have sought medical care only to be dismis...
Toxicology of Metals (Ellis Horwood Series in Inorganic Chemistry)
Silent Spring catalyzed an environmental movement in the 1960s and achieved a ban on DDT, but are the alternatives any less toxic? Rachel Carson's eloquent book Silent Spring stands as one of the most important books of the twentieth century and inspired important and long-lasting changes in environmental science and government policy. Frederick Rowe Davis thoughtfully sets Carson's study in the context of the twentieth century, reconsiders her achievement, and analyzes its legacy in light of...