This volume aims at bringing together the results of extensive research done during the last fifteen years on the interfacial photoelectronic properties of the inorganic layered semiconducting materials, mainly in relation to solar energy conversion. Significant contributions have been made both on the fundamental aspects of interface characteristics and on the suitability of the layered materials in photoelectrochemical (semiconductor/electrolyte junctions) and in solid state photovoltaic(Schot...
This work gives a broad and detailed overview of charge transport in organic semiconductors. The author discusses strategies for linking the chemical composition and morphology of organic layers to charge carrier mobility and current-voltage characteristics of a device. Concepts for simulation-based predictions of material characteristics are presented starting from chemical structures.
Handbook of Fourier Transform Raman and Infrared Spectra of Polymers (Physical Sciences Data, #45)
by A H Kuptsov and G N Zhizhin
Rewritten and extended, this new edition reflects the progress that has been made during the last few years in that particular field. The book informs about the structures, metabolisms, modes of action and uses of pesticides in crop protection. The pesticides treated include chemicals against insects, mollusks, threadworms, fungi and weeds.
ORBIT Molekülbaukasten Chemie – Profi–Set in Sortierbox mit 460 Teilen und farbigem Booklet
by Wiley-VCH
Mehr als 240 Atomzentren (Neben C, H, O, N auch P, S, Metalle und Halogene) und über 200 Verbindungen erlauben den Zusammenbau selbst komplexer Moleküle aus allen Bereichen der Chemie. Mit einer stabilen Sortierbox zur Aufbewahrung.
This book is devoted to the chemistry of oil and petroleum products and covers the broad range of topics from heavy fuel oils, crude oils and (diluted) bitumen to today‘s research on asphaltenes. Recent methods are summarized and the large new groups of chemicals found in oils are identifi ed as well as described. The work points the way for a more complete understanding of the composition of petroleum. Highlights include: An update on oil fi ngerprinting New data using Fourier transf...
Polymers in Information Storage Technology
This volume documents the proceedings of the Symposium on Polymers in Information Storage Technology held as a part of the American Chemical Society meeting in Los Angeles, September 25-30, 1988. It should be recorded here that this symposium was cosponsored by the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, and the Division of Polymer Chemistry. Polymers are used for a variety of purposes in both optical and magnetic information storage technologies. For example, polymers find app...
High-Resolution NMR Techniques in Organic Chemistry (Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry, #19)
by Timothy D W Claridge and T. Claridge
From the initial observation of proton magnetic resonance in water and in paraffin, the discipline of nuclear magnetic resonance has seen unparalleled growth as an analytical method. Modern NMR spectroscopy is a highly developed, yet still evolving, subject which finds application in chemistry, biology, medicine, materials science and geology. In this book, emphasis is on the more recently developed methods of solution-state NMR applicable to chemical research, which are chosen for their wide a...
Organic Chemistry (Topics in Current Chemistry, #97)
OLED and QLED Displays and Lighting (Smart Materials)
by Poopathy Kathirgamanathan and Arokia Nathan
OLEDs (organic light-emitting diodes) are devices which emit light in response to an electric current and are used to produce digital displays such as television screens, computer/laptop monitors and mobile phones. OLED Displays and Lighting is the first fully comprehensive compendium covering all aspects of OLEDs from the fundamentals to the manufacturing of the materials. The book first provides a general introduction to the area, information on the different materials used (small molecules, p...
The Manufacture of Chemicals by Electrolysis - Electrochemistry
by Arthur J Hale