It may be argued that silicon, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and iron are among the most important elements on our planet, because of their involvement in geological, biol- ical, and technological processes and phenomena. All of these elements have been studied exhaustively, and voluminous material is available on their properties. Included in this material are numerous accounts of their electrochemical properties, ranging from reviews to extensive monographs to encyclopedic discourses. This is cert...
Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Complexes
The combination of spectroscopy and theory has developed considerably in the past two decades. Computational techniques and theoretical analysis to extract electronic structure information from spectroscopy has become a crucial aspect of modern research in chemistry and materials science. This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date resource on spectroscopic methods used in transition metal chemistry and explains the relationships between experimental techniques and electronic structure....
There is a need of strengthening the global and local response to cope with the threat of climate change and adverse effects of rising anthropogenic activities in the mountain ecosystem. This book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive scientific and technical knowledge based on climate and land cover change impact assessment, adaptation and mitigation strategies in the Indian Himalayan watershed. The text updates the understanding scientific analysis to promote evidence-based policy formulati...
Surface Analysis of Glasses and Glass Ceramics, and Coatings (Schott Series on Glass & Glass Ceramics)
This volume describes how current methods of surface and thin film analysis, microscopy, and electron microscopy in combination with optical measurements and spectroscopy can be used in research and development, and in the production of glasses, glass ceramics, and thin film coatings. All these methods can contribute to the main aims of development and production, i.e., to develop useful properties of the surface of glass and glass ceramics, either coated or not, and to reproduce these propertie...
Electrokinetic Phenomena: Principles and Applications in Analytical Chemistry and Microchip Technology
Flavor Science (ACS Professional Reference Book)
Describes the use and importance of bioassays in the study of flavour chemistry. Examines how precursors and characteristic odour compounds are formed and released. Describes sophisticated instrumentation routinely used to obtain information quickly from small samples. Discusses biotechnology in the flavour industry. Of interest to professionals both inside and outside the field of flavour research. Based on a successful American Chemical Society workshop.
Principles of Protein X-Ray Crystallography (Springer Advanced Texts in Chemistry)
by Jan Drenth
X-ray crystallography has been a vital method for studying the structure of proteins and other macromolecules for many years. As the importance of proteins continues to grow in a wide range of research fields from basic biochemistry and biophysics to pharmaceutical development and biotechnology, more and more researchers have found a knowledge of X-ray diffraction to be an indispensable tool. Professor Drenth, recognized internationally for his numerous contributions to crystallographic research...
The 2007-2012 World Outlook for Cast Iron Pressure Pipe and Pipe Fittings
by Philip M. Parker
Instrumentation for High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Journal of Chromatography Library)
by J F Huber
Rejection of Emerging Organic Contaminants by Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes
by Victor Augusto Yangali Quintanilla
Pollution of water sources with emerging contaminants (micropollutants) is a fact known worldwide. Although the risks of micropollutants in sources of water are partly recognized, interpretation of consequences are controversial; thus, the future effects of altered water with micropollutants remains uncertain and may constitute a point of concern for human beings when potable water consumption is involved. Therefore, many drinking water utilities target as an important goal high-quality drinking...
Solvent Extraction (Ellis Horwood Series in Analytical Chemistry)
Radiotracer Studies of Interfaces (Interface Science and Technology, #3)
Radiotracer Studies of Interfaces presents a selection of examples illustrating the application of radiotracer studies for different types of interfaces. The value of radiotracer studies in fields such as food chemistry, corrosion of metals, neurochemistry, biology and catalysis is revealed. Separate chapters are devoted to the environmental problems connected with nuclear reactors and with the nuclear industry in general. The book also presents efforts to minimize and avoid the risk of radioact...
Prahistorische Anthropologie
by Gisela Grupe, Michaela Harbeck, and George C McGlynn
Erstmalig fur den deutschen Sprachraum wird ein methodisches Kompendium vorgelegt, mit dessen Hilfe eine umfassende Bearbeitung von historischen menschlichen Skelettresten ohne weiterfuhrende Literatur moeglich ist. Dargestellt ist das gesamte gangige methodische Repertoir von der Ausgrabung bis zur vergleichenden Auswertung der Daten. Ein Schwergewicht liegt auf moderner Laboranalytik (u.a. Spurenelement- und DNA-Analyse). Ziel und Nutzen des Buchs sind, dass ein Bearbeiter/Ratsuchender/Studier...
This volume in the "Surfactant Science" series provides coverage of fluorinated surfactants, their basic science and related theories. It highlights diverse aspects of fluorinated surfactants and systems, including liquid-vapour and liquid-liquid interface, solid-liquid interface, solutions of fluorinated surfactants and the structure of micelles and mesophases.
Computer-Supported Spectroscopic Databases (Ellis Horwood Series in Analytical Chemistry)
by Jure Zupan
Provides students and practitioners with a solid grounding in the theory of chromatography, important considerations in its application, and modern instrumentation. Highlights the primary variables that practitioners can manipulate, and how those variables influence chromatographic separationsIncludes multiple figures that illustrate the application of these methods to actual, complex chemical samplesProblems are embedded throughout the chapters as well as at the end of each chapter so that stud...
Das Buch stellt Methoden und Strategien zur differenzierten Analytik und Bewertung von chemischen Elementen in Wasser, Boden und Lebensmitteln vor zum Zwecke der Bewertung von Mobilitat, Toxizitat und Bioverfugbarkeit. Denn es ist eben nicht nur die Dosis, die ein Gift zum Gift macht, sondern auch die Art der Spezies.
Qualitative Analysis and Ionic Equilibrium
by George H Schenk and Darrell D Ebbing
The 2007-2012 World Outlook for Irritant Laxative Pharmaceutical Preparations
by Philip M. Parker
These topical modules were developed and tested by the ChemLinks Coalition and the Modular Chemistry Consortium as part of the National Science Foundation's Systematic Change Initiative in Chemistry. The teaching approach that these modules reflect represents a significant pedagogical improvement over methods that rely on traditional lectures and verification laboratories. ChemConnections modules cover a broad range of chemical topics and supply research-based, classroom-tested, active learnin...
Fractionation of polymers via solubility has been a well known method in polymer characterization for a long time. The original object of analytical fractionations, the determination of the molecular weight distribution, is nowadays achieved more efficiently and conveniently by chromatographic methods. However, fractionation procedures, which were developed in great diversity, remain up~to-date and essential for obtaining preparative fractions with narrow distributions. Such fractions are wanted...