Interaction of a Finite Train of Short Optical Pulses with a Ladder System
by Hyounguk Jang
Development of the Many-Body Perturbation Theory and Calculations of Atomic Properties for Optical Clocks
by Dansha Jiang
Superfluidity and Bose-Einstein Condensation in Optical Lattices and Porous Media: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study
by Ali A Shams
Improving the Physics Impact of Next-Generation Germanium-76 Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Experiments.
by Todd William Henry Hossbach
The Optical Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Magneto-Optical Properties in Type-II Quantum Dots
by Vincent Ryan Whiteside
Biological Magnetic Resonance, Volume 15
by Lawrence J. Berliner and Pierre-Marie Robitaille
Written by a non-computer scientist, this is intended as a practical guide taking the reader from basic concepts to up-to-date research topics in digital image processing. The presentation builds on principles and mathematical tools widely used in the natural sciences. The book discusses the following topics: image acquisition and digitization; linear and non-linear filter operation for the detection of edges, local orientation and texture; fast algorithms on pyramidal and multigrid data structu...
From ZZ to Zh: How Low Can These Cross Sections Go or Everybody
by Emanuel Alexandre Strauss
Ballistic Carrier Transport in Semiconductors Studied by Ultrafast Laser Techniques
by Lalani K Werake
The Requirements for a Contemporary X.400 Mail System for Distributed Networks
by Yize Li and James S Logan
Quantifying the Effects of Lossy Digital Audio Compression Algorithms on Electric Network Frequency Signals in Forensic Analysis
by Adolfo Huet and Harrison Allen Archer
Star Formation Histories from Resolved Stellar Populations in Nearby Galaxies
by Stephanie Morris Gogarten
Understanding the J/Psi Production Mechanism at Phenix
by Todd Kempel
Computers in Medical Physics (Medical Physics Monograph,)
The 1988 AAPM Summer School explored the modern world of computers, with special emphasis on applications in medical physics. Authors of the articles in this book, who were also presenters at the Summer School, were asked to assume that the attendee reader was familiar with computers in general but was not a computer scientist or a hacker. The manuscripts were reviewed by at least two experts prior to inclusion in this book. Since not all presenters submitted manuscripts, this volume is not a pr...
Measurement of Fast Parton Interactions with Hot Dense Nuclear Matter Via Two-Particle Correlations at Phenix
by Michael Patrick McCumber
Probing the Electronic Properties of Atomically Thin Graphitic Layers with Optical Spectroscopy
by Kin Fai Mak
Photo- And Radiochromic Transformations in Aluminum Oxide: Carbon
by Garrett Jeffrey Sykora
Observational Signatures of the First Stars - From the Near Infrared Background to Lyman-Alpha Emitters
by Elizabeth Rose Fernandez
A Precision Measurement of the 1s2s 1s0 - 1s2p 3p1 Interval in Helium-Like Silicon Using Fast-Beam Laser Spectroscopy
by Thomas Robert DeVore
Stability of Spherically Symmetric Solutions in Modified Theories of Gravity
by Michael D Seifert