Math - the application of reasonable logic to reasonable assumptions - usually produces reasonable results. But sometimes math generates astonishing paradoxes - conclusions that seem completely unreasonable or just plain impossible but that are nevertheless demonstrably true: Conclusions that, for example, tell us that a losing sports team can become a winning one by adding worse players than its opponents. Or that the thirteenth of the month is more likely to be a Friday than any other day. Or...
Conference Faite Le 18 Juin 1916 Sur Les Baux A Ferme Et l'Etat de Guerre (Savoirs Et Traditions)
by Malnoury-L
Traite Theorique Et Pratique Des Moteurs Hydrauliques (Ed.1858) (Savoirs Et Traditions)
by Armengaud-E
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Guide Du Geometre Pour Les Operations d'Arpentage Et Le Rapport Des Plans
by Goulard-Henrionnet
Nouveau Cours Complet d'Agriculture Theorique Et Pratique. Tome 8 (Ed.1809) (Savoirs Et Traditions)
by Sans Auteur
Semiconducting Chalcogenide Glass II: Properties of Chalcogenide Glasses
Water Utility Self Assessment for Management of Aesthetic Issues (Water Research Foundation Report)
by Michael J. McGuire, N. Graziano, L. Sullivan, R. Hund, and G. Burlingame
While water utilities operate their systems primarily to meet mandatory water quality requirements, many experts in the taste and odor field suspect that most drinking water utilities in North America are poorly prepared for taste and odor (T&O) events. The sporadic and transitory nature of T&O events and difficulties associated with their proper identification and response has led many utilities to approach these events with limited or no "tools" available to address recurring problems. The obj...
Water Quality International '96 Part 5 (Water Quality International, #5)
Selected Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the International Association on Water Quality, held in Singapore, 23-28 June 1996.
Piezo-Electric Electro-Acoustic Transducers (Microtechnology and MEMS)
by Valeriy Sharapov, Zhanna Sotula, and Larisa Kunickaya
Electroacoustic transducers (EAT) are devices, which transform electric energy to energy of acoustic fluctuations. Principles of action, design of transducers for work in air and water as well as for non-destructive control are described in the book. New technologies of designing EAT, not only expanding designing possibilities, are described. They also allow to create transducers with improved characteristics. In particular, methods to increase target capacity (sound pressure), decrease working...
Avances en antropología forense
by Jorge Alfredo Gomez-Valdes and Mirsha Quinto Sanchez
Water Quality International '98 Part 1 (Water Quality International, #1)
Selected Proceedings of the 19th Biennial Conference of the International Association on Water Quality, held in Vancouver BC, Canada, 21-26 June 1998. IAWQ's 19th biennial exceeded all expectations in the quality and extent of its programme. From a record number of submissions, a record total of 366 papers were selected for oral presentation, striking a balance of research and practically orientated presentations. High quality was ensured by an extensive review process, which enabled the revisio...
Water Quality International '98 Part 2 (Water Quality International, #2)
Selected Proceedings of the 19th Biennial Conference of the International Association on Water Quality, held in Vancouver, BC, Canada 21-26 June 1998. Part 2 contains 27 selected papers from the sessions on Sludge Management and Solid Waste Disposal (including the following topics: characterisation, conditioning and dewatering, stabilisation and digestion, other processes, recovery and reuse, and management and co-disposal) and on Landfill Management of Solid Wastes. These papers, by many of the...
Lettre de Madame A Madame La Marquise De. Sur La Conception, La Reflexion, Le Jugement, (Savoirs Et Traditions)
Memorial Francais Des Batimens, Des Arts, Des Sciences Et de la Litterature Par Une Societe (Savoirs Et Traditions)
Science often deals with hard-to-see phenomena, and they only stand out and become real when viewed through the lens of complex statistical tools. This book is not a textbook about statistics applied to science - there are already many excellent books to choose from - rather, it tries to give an overview of the basic principles that physical scientists use to analyze their data and bring out the order of Nature from the fog of background noise.
Metodos Experimentales Para el Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales
En los ultimos veinte anos, los conocimientos de los procesos de tratamiento de aguas residuales han avanzado y evolucionado partiendo de enfoques inicialmente empiricos a basarse en principios y fundamentos quimicos, microbiologicos, y de ingenieria de procesos fisicos y biotecnologicos, que frecuentementemente involucran tecnicas y metodos de laboratorio y experimentales. La mayoria de esos metodos y tecnicas experimentales y de laboratorio han alcanzado una madurez tal que han sido aceptados...
Canal Des Houilleres de la Sarre Et Prolongement Du Chemin de Fer Des Ardennes Vers l'Allemagne (Savoirs Et Traditions)
by -