High Frequency Ocean Acoustics (AIP Conference Proceedings, v.728)
All papers were peer-reviewed. Sound in the ocean is as fundamental as light in theatmosphere. The high-frequency acoustic band has been little studied in the past; however, new applications such as mine hunting, marine mammal tracking, and communications (the undersea internet) have generated tremendous interest. These peer-reviewed proceedings include 8 invited papers by leading experts in particular areas and collectively survey all aspects of current research in high-frequency acoustics.
This comprehensive book deals with feedback and feedback amplifiers, presenting original material on the topic of feedback circuits. After describing the fundamental properties of feedback, the book illustrates techniques of analysis for greater insight into feedback amplifiers and design strategies to optimise their performance.
Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, #173)
This comprehensive book presents all aspects of acoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals. The emphasis is on acoustic wave propagation phenomena at interfaces such as refraction, especially unusual refractive properties and negative refraction. A thorough discussion of the mechanisms leading to such refractive phenomena includes local resonances in metamaterials and scattering in phononic crystals.
Power Sonic and Ultrasonic Transducers Design
This volume contains the Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Design of Power Sonic and Ultrasonic Transducers, which was held in the Maison de l'Entreprise et des Technologies Nouvelles, Marcq en Baroeul, near Lille, France, on May 26 and 27, 1987. The main objective of this Workshop was to discuss all aspects of high power problems in the design of electroacoustic transducers and to stimulate an exchange of knowledge and experience between researchers and industrial ists involved...
Principles of Forensic Audio Analysis (Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing)
by Robert C. Maher
This book provides an expert introduction to audio forensics, an essential specialty in modern forensic science, equipping readers with the fundamental background necessary to understand and participate in this exciting and important field of study. Modern audio forensic analysis combines skills in digital signal processing, the physics of sound propagation, acoustical phonetics, audio engineering, and many other fields. Scientists and engineers who work in the field of audio forensics are calle...
Types of Canoes on Puget Sound
by T T B 1885 Waterman and Geraldine Coffin
Fiber Optics (Applications of Communications Theory)
by Stewart D Personick
This book is an outgrowth of a course given by the author for people in industry, government, and universities wishing to understand the implica tions of emerging optical fiber technology, and how this technology can be applied to their specific information transport and sensing system needs. The course, in turn, is an outgrowth of 15 exciting years during which the author participated in the research and development, as well as in the application, of fiber technology. The aim of this book is t...
Imaging in High Energy Astronomy
An almost complete collection of the papers given at the International Workshop on Imaging in High Energy Astronomy (Anacapri, Italy, 1994). These proceedings, which concentrate on imaging above 10 keV, represent the state of the art in the field, resulting from the success of many missions (I.C. Granat and CGRO) carrying detectors for high energy astronomy with imaging capabilities. The main topics of the book are Bragg concentrators, coded mask-modulation collimators, double Compton tel...
Dieser Band der Reihe Fachwissen Technische Akustik behandelt die in der Bauakustik meistverbreiteten Messmethoden, vom theoretischen Hintergrund uber anwendungspraktische Fragestellungen bis hin zu den nationalen und internationalen Normen. Die Normenreihe der DIN EN ISO 12354 dient dabei als roter Faden, da sie die messbaren Groessen der Bauakustik in einen Gesamtzusammenhang bringt. Ausgehend von den Aufgabenstellungen der bauakustischen Messtechnik werden die in Frage kommenden Kenngroessen...
ASA S3/SC1.4 TR-2014 Sound Exposure Guidelines for Fishes and Sea Turtles: A Technical Report prepared by ANSI-Accredited Standards Committee S3/SC1 and registered with ANSI (SpringerBriefs in Oceanography)
by Arthur N. Popper, Anthony D. Hawkins, Richard R Fay, David A. Mann, Soraya Bartol, Thomas J. Carlson, Sheryl Coombs, William T. Ellison, Roger L. Gentry, and Michele B. Halvorsen
This Technical Report presents the outcome of a Working Group that was established to determine broadly applicable sound exposure guidelines for fishes and sea turtles. After consideration of the diversity of fish and sea turtles, guidelines were developed for broad groups of animals, defined by the way they detect sound. Different sound sources were considered in terms of their acoustic characteristics and appropriate metrics defined for measurement of the received levels. The resultant sound e...
Optical Radiometry (Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences, #41)
by Albert C Parr
This book deals with the practice of Optical Radiation Measurements with introductory material to introduce the topics discussed. It will be most useful for students, scientists and engineers working in any academic, industrial or governmental projects related to optical radiation. The book contains chapters that treat in detail the procedures and techniques for the characterization of both sources and detectors to the highest degree of accuracy and reliability. It has a chapter devoted speci...
Advanced Signal Processing for Communication Systems consists of 20 contributions from researchers and experts. The first group of chapters deals with the audio and video processing for communications applications, including topics ranging from multimedia content delivery over the Internet, through the speech processing and recognition to recognition of non-speech sounds that can be attributed to the surrounding environment. The book also includes sections on applications of error control coding...
The Joint Institute for Aeronautics and Acoustics at Stanford University was established in October 1973 to provide an academic environment for long-term cooperative research between Stanford and NASA Ames Research Center. Since its establishment, the Institute has conducted theoretical and experimental work in the areas of aerodynamics, acoustics, fluid mechanics, flight dynamics, guidance and control, and human factors. This research has involved Stanford faculty, research associates, graduate...
Oscillations of gas and/or liquid columns in a flow channel can lead to various phenomena such as Stirling cycle heat engines, pulse tube refrigerators, as well as thermally induced gas oscillations like Sondhauss tube and Rijke tube. Although those phenomena may look different from each other, they can be universally described by the concepts of work flow and heat flow. Work flow stands for the acoustic power used in acoustics. Heat flow is the energy flow associated with the hydrodynamic trans...
Foundations of Engineering Acoustics takes the reader on a journey from a qualitative introduction to the physical nature of sound, explained in terms of common experience, to mathematical models and analytical results which underlie the techniques applied by the engineering industry to improve the acoustic performance of their products. The book is distinguished by extensive descriptions and explanations of audio-frequency acoustic phenomena and their relevance to engineering, supported by a we...
Guided-Wave Optoelectronics (Inorganic Chemistry Concepts, #26) (Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics, #26)
In 1945, Dr. Ernst Weber founded, and was the first Director of, the Microwave Research Institute (MRI) at Polytechnic University (at that time named the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn). MRI gained worldwide recognition in the 50s and 60s for its research in electromagnetic theory, antennas and radiation, network theory and microwave networks, microwave components, and devices. It was also known through its series of 24 topical symposia and the widely distributed hardbound MRI Symposium Proce...
This is the 24th conference in a series of conferences presenting work in experimental and theoretical signal processing, speech and acoustics."
Linear Isentropic Oscillations of Stars: Theoretical Foundations
by Paul Smeyers
Surface Phonons (NATO Asi Series. Series F, Computer and Systems Sciences, #21)