Экклесиаст. Песнь песней Соломона. Притчи 
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The essays deal with developments during the period from the liquidation of the Judean state to the conquests of Alexander the Great. This was a critical time in the Near East and the Mediterranean world in general. It marked the end of the great Semitic empires until the rise of Islam in the seventh century A.D.,decisive changes in religion, with appeal to a creator-deity in Deutero-Isaiah, Babylonian Marduk cult, and Zoroastrianism.For the survivors of the Babylonian conquest in a post-collaps...
In the Hebrew Bible, war is a prominent topic which is dealt with in both legal and narrative texts. So far, the interplay between the two areas has received only little attention. This volume explores the impact of biblical war legislation on war accounts in the Hebrew Bible and in Early Jewish Literature. It provides case studies which show the importance of the topic and shed new light on redaction- and reception-historical developments.
The papers in this volume revolve around the history of the influence exerted by the person of Moses and the traditions associated with him. They deal not only with the function of the figure of Moses in the Pentateuch, the salvation in the Red Sea and the final day of Moses' life, but also with the way Moses was received in the Deuteronomic history, the Psalms, the Book of Jeremiah, the Septuagint, in Qumran, early Jewish extra-biblical literature, the New Testament and the Early Church.
This volume contains the proceedings of two international meetings held by the Minerva Center for the Relations between Israel and Aram in Biblical Times (RIAB) in Ramat-Gan/Jerusalem (March 2017) and Leipzig (May 2018). Most of the papers relate to various aspects of the Aramaic epigraphy in different contexts with a second part of the volume dealing with Idumean ostraca. The papers will be of interest to ancient historians, archaeologists of the ancient Near East, scholars of Semitic and Bibli...
The series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZAW) covers all areas of research into the Old Testament, focusing on the Hebrew Bible, its early and later forms in Ancient Judaism, as well as its branching into many neighboring cultures of the Ancient Near East and the Greco-Roman world. BZAW welcomes submissions that make an original and significant contribution to the field; demonstrate sophisticated engagement with the relevant secondary literature; and are w...
Alttestamentliche Texte zum Sabbat, zur hauswirtschaftlichen Verwertung von Tieren und zum Rechtsleben werden auf Spuren von Profanitat und Sakralisierung hin untersucht. Die Quellen lassen nicht erkennen, ob die Profanitat der betrachteten Lebensbereiche das Ergebnis eines Sakularisierungsprozesses ist. Sie zeigen den Kult jedoch eher auf dem Vormarsch: Die Kultgemeinde bietet ihre spezifischen Moeglichkeiten fur die Erhaltung schutzenswerter Sitten und Gebrauche sowie die Herstellung des Recht...
In Abgrenzung zur romantischen AEsthetik der Originalitat geht die Analyse des Textes von Gen 26 und seinen Kotexten von einer AEsthetik der Wertschatzung von Wiederholungen und "Doppelungen" aus. Nach der Vorstellung des rezeptionsasthetischen Auslegungskonzeptes wird der Lektureprozess von Gen 12,10-20; Gen 20 und Gen 26 rekonstruiert, wobei nicht nur die christliche Sekundarliteratur, sondern auch judische Exegesen intensiv einbezogen werden. Die drei Geschichten von der Gefahrdung der Ahnfra...
Redaktionsgeschichtliche Studien Zum Pentateuch (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur die Alttestamentliche Wissensch, #537)
by Hans-Christoph Schmitt
Hundert Jahre Forschungen Zum Antiken Mythos (1918/20-2018/20) (Mythological Studies, #5)
Die Stadt Im Zwoelfprophetenbuch (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur die Alttestamentliche Wissensch, #428)
Book of the Dead (Arkana S.)
A classic translation of the ancient Egyptian hymns, rituals, and prayers.
Die Samaritaner Und Die Bibel / The Samaritans and the Bible (Studia Samaritana, #7)
Social Justice and the Legitimacy of Slavery (Oxford Early Christian Studies)
by Ilaria L.E. Ramelli
Were slavery and social injustice leading to dire poverty in antiquity and late antiquity only regarded as normal, 'natural' (Aristotle), or at best something morally 'indifferent' (the Stoics), or, in the Christian milieu, a sad but inevitable consequence of the Fall, or even an expression of God's unquestionable will? Social Justice and the Legitimacy of Slavery shows that there were also definitive condemnations of slavery and social injustice as iniquitous and even impious, and that these ca...
Massekhet Menahot (A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud, V/2)
by Dvora Weisberg
Tractate Menahkot in the Babylonian Talmud considers the proper composition, formation, and presentation of offerings of grain and flour brought to the Jerusalem Temple. Redacted centuries after the destruction of the Temple and the cessation of the sacrificial cult, the tractate focuses on the work of the priests and the centrality of intent in validating or invalidating offerings. There is minimal consideration of the role or experience of the men and women who brought offerings. The tractate...