In a robust and engaging manner, David Bohr offers us a thorough review and timely reanalysis of the Catholic diocesan priesthood. Biblical, historical, and sacramental voices dialogue with the relevant documents of the Second Vatican Council, other papal pronouncements, and the perspectives of some of the major commentators on the state of the Catholic priesthood today. Clergy and laity alike will find in BohrG??s models of priestly ministry and the topics of consecration, mission, and celibacy...
MOT for Church Plants (Pastoral S., No. 74.)
by Rod Allan-Smith and Tony Bradley
The Externally Focused Quest (Jossey-Bass Leadership Network, #44)
by Eric Swanson and Rick Rusaw
A practical approach for leaders to guide their congregations to become more externally focused The Externally Focused Quest: Becoming the Best Church for the Community is designed for church leaders who want to transform their churches to become less internally focused and more oriented to the world around them. The book includes the clear guidelines on the ten changes congregations must adopt to become truly outwardly focused. This book is not about getting all churches to have an annual day...
Church Growth 101 a Church Growth Guidebook for Ministers and Laity
by Glenn W Mollette
Dinge Zum Sprechen Bringen (Praktische Theologie Im Wissenschaftsdiskurs, #30)
When Dorothy Day died in 1980, many people assumed that the movement she had founded would gradually fade away. But the current state of the Catholic Worker movement-more than two hundred active communities-reflects Day's fierce attention to the present moment and the local community. These communities have prospered, according to Dan McKanan, because Day and Maurin provided them with a blueprint that emphasized creativity more than rigid adherence to a single model. Day wanted Catholic Worker c...
Le Leadership Spirituel Selon le Modele de David
by Zacharias Tanee Fomum
Commentary on Matthew (Fathers of the Church: A New Translation (Patristic Series))
by Saint Jerome
St. Jerome (347-420) has been considered the pre-eminent scriptural commentator among the Latin Church Fathers. His Commentary on Matthew, written in 398 and profoundly influential in the West, appears here for the first time in English translation. Jerome covers the entire text of Matthew's gospel by means of brief explanatory comments that clarify the text literally and historically. Although he himself resided in Palestine for forty years, Jerome often relies on Origen and Josephus for local...