Kinder, Kratze, Karitas (Kataloge Der Franckeschen Stiftungen, #23)
Leben, Leib und Liturgie (Arbeiten Zur Praktischen Theologie, #6)
by Michael Meyer-Blanck
Luther's Works, Volume 56 (Sermons III) (Luther's Works, #56)
by Martin Luther
Prompted by the 2017 commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, this book examines the legacy of Martin Luther in the life, work, and reception of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the most widely read modern Lutheran theologian. Framing the commemoration of the Reformation in conversation with Bonhoeffer's legacy places much more than Bonhoeffer's connection to Luther at stake. Given the fraught relationship of the Lutheran Bonhoeffer with the German Protestant Church under Nation...
There is a need in today's church to relate scripture and prayer in such a way as to enable us to speak God's words after him. This book takes a simple lectio divina approach developed in the sixteenth century by Martin Luther and offers practical guidance to pray in this way. Beginning each time of prayer with a Bible passage, Luther would meditate on it with four 'strands' in mind: teaching, thanksgiving, repentance and supplication. Then he would pray, having his thoughts shaped by his readin...
Lutheran Ecclesiastical Culture, 1550-1675 (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, #11)
Literature on confessionalization has opened new vistas for considering early-modern Christianity and its place in Western social-political contexts, but the ecclesiastical cultures of the period need further research and analysis to refine our focus on how Christians lived in their own communities and related to society at large. This volume's essays assess eight elements of Lutheran life (its foundation in sixteenth-century processing of Luther's legacy, university teaching, preaching, cateche...
A Formula for Parish Practice (Lutheran Quarterly Books)
by Timothy J. Wengert
This book combines a rich description of the (Lutheran) Formula of Concord (1577) with experiences in today's Lutheran parishes to demonstrate how confessional texts may still come to life in modern Christian congregations. Timothy Wengert takes the Formula of Concord, traditionally used as ammunition in doctrinal disagreements, back to its historical home, the local congregation, giving pastors, students, and theologians a glimpse into the original debates over each article. The most up-to-date...
German and Scandinavian Protestantism 1700-1918 (Oxford History of the Christian Church)
by Nicholas Hope
This book is the first history in English of the Lutheran Church in Germany and Scandinavia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. A period of fundamental and lasting change in the political landscape with the separation of the old twin monarchies of Sweden-Finland and Denmark-Norway in Scandinavia (1808, 1814), and the unification of Germany (1866-71), this was also a time of particular unease and upheaval for the church. Attempts to emulate the spiritual community of the early church, re...