An Interpretation of the English Bible. Vol I. GENESIS (An Interpretation of the English Bible, #1)
by B H Carroll
Thinking With the Church (Free Church, Catholic Tradition, #3)
by Derek C Hatch
In 1852, after starting the Review and Herald magazine in 1849, James White began publishing The Youth's Instructor for the benefit of Christian youth. The editor wrote in the first issue, "We design that the Instructor shall be filled with sensible matter, not only for the benefit of small children, but for the instruction of the youth from 16 to 20 years of age." What started out as a monthly, in 1879 became a weekly magazine and was published continuously until April, 1970. Ellen White contri...
The Baptists in Upper and Lower Canada before 1820
by Stuart Ivison and Fred Rosser
The Sung Theology of the English Particular Baptist Revival (Monographs in Baptist History, #15)
by Joseph V Carmichael
Rescue The Perishing: Selected Correspondence Of Annie W. Armstrong (H603/Mrc)
Annie W. Armstrong, more familiarly known as "Miss Annie," served as the first corresponding secretary of the Women's Missionary Union, Auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention. Between 1888 and 1906 she wrote hundreds of letters on behalf of Southern Baptist missionary enterprises. Almost all of her letters inimitably expressed her opinion of "how things ought to be." Rescue the Perishing offers for the first time a selection of letters from this remarkable woman's life. As a group, these l...
Handbook for Today S Disciples in the Christian Church, a (Disciples of Christ)
by Duane Cummins
In this book, Stephen Holmes explores the historical development and the key concepts of doing theology in the Baptist tradition. This book considers the distinctive ideas and expressions of Christian faith to be found in the historic Baptist churches. An outline of the history of the Baptist movement will be offered, from its British beginnings in Amsterdam in 1609, through its varied developments in Britain, Europe and North America, to its worldwide presence and diversity today, and its relat...
Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission
by P.Gerard Damsteegt
Ein Leib in Christo Werden: Ehe Und Sexualitat Im Taufertum Der Fruhen Neuzeit
by Katharina Reinholdt