Translated by R. McL. Wilson A full-scale study based on the documents of the Coptic Gnostic library found at Nag Hammadi providing a comprehensive survey of the nature, the teachings, the history and the influence of this religion.
Land to the Elect and Justice for All, The: Reading Psalms in the Dead Sea Scrolls in Light of 4q381
by Mika S Pajunen
Stephen Rainbow assesses the actual practice of green politics in New Zealand using a political and philosophical framework. He argues that the State should take responsibility for developing policies of sustainable development, and that green activists should be required to adopt achievable and credible strategies for change. Through a critique of current models of development and growth which rely on a narrow conception of economic realities, Rainbow suggests possible directions for the future...
Jewish Aramaic Curse Texts from Late-Antique Mesopotamia (Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity)
by Professor Dan Levene
Iste Pauper Clamavit (European University Studies, v. 390)
by Timothy Johnson
Knowledge of the Truth - Two Doctrines (European University Studies, v. 194)
by Jesse Sell
L'Egittomania in Pitture E Mosaici Romano-Campani Della Prima Eta Imperiale (Pittori in Rivista, #84)
by Mariette Vos
Ancient Dacia was vital to imperial Roman interests. A thorn in the side of the Roman Empire until Trajan defeated the Dacian king Decebalus at the Second Battle of Tapae in 101 AD, and then razed his capital Sarmizegetusa in 105, Dacia later became indispensable to the Empire. In this first concerted treatment of Roman Romania, Kai Brodersen expertly traces Dacia's transition from hated enemy and rival to essential breadbasket of the imperium. Not only was the region a major producer of grain,...
From Religion to Philosophy (Mythos: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology)
by Francis MacDonald Cornford
In this exploration of the "very first utterance of philosophers," F. M. Cornford showed that the remarkable burst of abstract speculation among pre-Socratic thinkers of the sixth century B.C. emerged directly from the religious thought of the preceding era in Greece. Combining profound classical scholarship with striking anthropological and sociological insight, Cornford rejected the post-Darwinian rationalist assumption that religion and philosophy are fundamentally different from each other....
Recounts the myth of the Nemean Lion, created by Gaia for Zeus in order to destroy Heraclea.
Byblos Et La Fete Des Adonies (Studien Und Texte Zur Geistesgeschichte Des Mittelalters, #60)
by Soyez
Der Tempel von Jerusalem von Salomon bis Herodes
Die frankischen Kapitularien sind seit je ein exklusiver Gegenstand der historischen Forschung gewesen. Das belegen nicht nur die sich vom 17. bis ins spate 19. Jahrhundert erstreckenden textkritischen Bemuhungen der bisherigen drei Haupteditoren. Es kommt auch darin zum Ausdruck, dass die Kapitularien schon fruh zu einer zentralen Quellengattung der fruhmittelalterlichen Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Rechtsgeschichte avancierten. Lange Zeit stand dabei allein der gesetzgeberisch-administrative Aspe...
Roman Mythology (Library of the World's Myths & Legends)
by Stewart Perowne
Discusses the origins and development of Roman religion, its close ties with Roman history, and its ultimate capitulation to Christianity.
A Critical Edition of Ruths Recompence by Richard Bernard
A Critical Edition of Ruths Recompence by Richard Bernard presents Richard Bernard’s commentary on the book of Ruth, originally published in 1628, to the modern reader. Arlene McAlister’s introduction sets the work in its contemporary context and most significantly elucidates the issue of women’s conduct that arises from the biblical story and challenges Bernard and the preceding early modern Ruth commentators. The introduction details how the commentators have great difficulty in expounding Rut...
Here retold in all their dramatic power are some of the most exciting and influential of all Greek myths: the epic struggle of the Trojan War, the wanderings of Odysseus, the tragic destiny of Oedipus, and the heroic adventures of Herakles, Theseus, Perseus, and Jason. The author introduces the complex pantheon of Olympian gods and goddesses, describing their attributes, genealogies, and often comic relationships, and illustrates the personalities and their stories by drawing upon the artistry o...
Dorotheos of Gaza and the Discourse of Healing in Gazan Monasticism (American University Studies, #357)
by Kyle A Schenkewitz
Serving as a dynamic figure in the monastic school, Dorotheos of Gaza transformed the traditional understanding of healing in the spiritual life. Gazan monastic teachers, Isaiah of Scetis, Barsanuphius, John, and Dorotheos, utilized this discourse of healing to instruct and guide their followers in the monastic life. As a predominant part of human existence, sickness and suffering were sought to be understood and interpreted. For some teachers, healing was purely a metaphor for spiritual renewa...
Die Nestorianer Und Der Fruehe Islam (Theion, #23)
by Marijke Metselaar
Die Darstellung der Begegnungen der ostsyrischen Christen ("Nestorianer") im ehemaligen Perserreich mit dem fruhen Islam ist fur die heutige Auseinandersetzung von Christentum und Islam von groesster Relevanz. Sowohl die Theologie und Gelehrsamkeit der Nestorianer werden in diesem Buch behandelt, als auch ihre erfolgreiche Mission unter den benachbarten arabischen Stammen. Weiter wird die Entwicklung der ostsyrischen Kirche nach dem Siegeszug der Araber herausgearbeitet. Nachdem diese Bagdad im...