Finding God in Silicon Valley--Spiritual Journeys in a High-Tech World
by Skip Vaccarello
The New Generation of Leadership
by David Welch, Logeswaran, Michel, Welch Ira David, and Logeswaran Michel David
The Externally Focused Quest (Jossey-Bass Leadership Network, #44)
by Eric Swanson and Rick Rusaw
A practical approach for leaders to guide their congregations to become more externally focused The Externally Focused Quest: Becoming the Best Church for the Community is designed for church leaders who want to transform their churches to become less internally focused and more oriented to the world around them. The book includes the clear guidelines on the ten changes congregations must adopt to become truly outwardly focused. This book is not about getting all churches to have an annual day...
Jesus never intended the church to become an institution; he intended it to be a people of power, seeking to transform the world. Building A People of Power explores how God's people can exercise power in Godly ways so that God's kingdom can be built in their neighborhoods and cities.Built around a biblical exploration of shalom, Building a People of Power deals with how local churches can use power to transform their cities. Power is the capacity, ability, and willingness to act. Most people an...
Are You Ready to Be a Deacon in the Church
by Arch-Bishop D a Miller D D
The Year of the Priest was celebrated from June 2009 to June 2010. It coincided with the jubilee year in honor of the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of St. John Marie Vianney. Cure d'Ars, as he is fondly known, is the patron for priests. This simple and saintly priest had drawn countless numbers of people to God through his ministry in one of the most challenging periods in history, after the French Revolution."
Becoming An Effective Leader in Ministry Volume III (Becoming an Effective Leader in Ministry, #3)
by Diane M Winbush
Never Blink in a Hailstorm and Other Lessons on Leadership
by Dr David L McKenna