Religion Und Gottesgedanke (Beitraege Zur Rationalen Theologie, #7)
by Falk Wagner
The Apostles Creed in Light of Today's Questions
by Wolfhart Pannenberg
Weighing and Interpreting Documents of the Magisterium, Francis A. Sullivan, SJ. Deals with a basic step involved in doing theology in the Catholic tradition, namely, the evaluation and interpretation of documents issued by popes councils and other organs of official teaching authority.
AN INVESTIGATION OF EPIC FINANCIAL INTRIGUE, RENDER UNTO ROME EXPOSES THE SECRECY AND DECEIT THAT RUN COUNTER TO THE VALUES OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. The Sunday collection in every Catholic church throughout the world is as familiar a part of the Mass as the homily and even Communion. There is no doubt that historically the Catholic Church has been one of the great engines of charity in history. But once a dollar is dropped in that basket, where does it go? How are weekly cash contributions that...
This public lecture is staged annually in memory of the ecclesiastic historian Hans Lietzmann (1875–1942), Adolf von Harnacks’s successor as director of the Academy project The Greek Christian Authors of the First Centuries (GDS). The invited speaker is an internationally renowned scholar from the field of archeology, classical studies, history of religion, and patristics. The lectures address central topics of the history of ancient religion that are of relevance to the present day.
Das Ordnungsdenken Im Christlich-Orthodoxen Raum (Erfurter Studien Zur Kulturgeschichte Des Orthodoxen Christe, #20)
by Marian Patru
The first of a two-volume project delving into the doctrine of justification. Michael Horton seeks not simply to recover a clear message of its role in modern Reformed theology, but also to bring a fresh discovery of the gospel in a time when contemporary debates around justification have reignited. The doctrine of justification stands at the center of our systematic reflection on the meaning of salvation and grace as well as our piety, mission, and life together. And yet, within mainline Prote...
Dionysius the Areopagite was a judge of the Areopagus who, as related in the Acts of the Apostles, (Acts 17:34), was converted to Christianity by the preaching of the Apostle Paul during the Areopagus sermon. According to Dionysius of Corinth, quoted by Eusebius, this Dionysius then became the second Bishop of Athens.
An Introduction to Vatican II as an Ongoing Theological Event
by Matthew Levering
Contemporary scholars often refer to "the event of Vatican II," but what kind of an event was it? In this first book of the new CUA Press series Sacra Doctrina, Matthew Levering leads his readers to see the Council as a "theological event"-a period of confirming and continuing God's self-revelation in Christ into a new historical era for the Church. This is an introduction to Vatican II with a detailed summary of each of its four central documents-the dogmatic constitutions-followed by explanati...
Theologisch Verantwortetes Pfarramt in Der Volkskirche (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #190)
by Ulf Habel
Die Forderung, dass Theorie und Praxis wechselseitig aufeinander bezogen werden mussen, ist oft erhoben worden. Doch es ist immer noch so, dass die theologische Ausbildung an der Universitat nur in begrenztem Masse auf den Pfarrberuf vorbereitet. Die Klage, dass die universitare Ausbildung praxisfern geschehe und dass umgekehrt die Berufspraxis im Pfarramt ohne Theologie d.h. dann theorielos werde, ist uns nicht fremd. Hier wird der Versuch gemacht, aus der erlebten Praxis im Pfarramt mit Hilfe...