Grace and the Human Condition (Message of the Fathers of the Church, #15)
Vom Leben Zum Lebensquell (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #292)
by H Emil Hocevar
Obwohl H. Plessner als Mitbegrunder der modernen philosophischen Anthropologie allgemein anerkannt ist, wurde sein gerade heute so aktuelles Hauptanliegen eines gigantischen Bruckenschlages von der Welt des Lebendigen zur Welt des Geistes bisher viel zu wenig beachtet. Die vorliegenden funf Beitrage versuchen unter dem Gesichtspunkt dieses hochst eigenstandigen Denkkonzeptes eine Reihe von aktuellen Fragen anzureissen, sei es nun ein zeitgemasses Verstandnis christlicher Dogmen und des Begriffes...
Aggression Und Mitmenschlichkeit (Europaische Hochschulschriften: Reihe 23, Theologie, #86)
by Manfred Moser
Reality of the Mind (Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy of Religion)
by Ludger Holscher
Among the various approaches to the question of the nature of the mind (or soul), Augustine's philosophical arguments for the existence of an incorporeal and spiritual substance in man and against materialism are here thoroughly examined on their merits as a source of insight for contemporary discussion. This book, originally published in 1986, employs Augustine's method of introspection, and argues that, as a philosopher, Augustine can teach the modern mind how to detect the reality of such a s...
A Philosophical Anthropology of the Cross (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion) (Philosophy of Religion)
by Doctoral Candidate Brian Gregor
What does the cross, both as a historical event and a symbol of religious discourse, tell us about human beings? In this provocative book, Brian Gregor draws together a hermeneutics of the self-through Heidegger, Gadamer, Ricoeur, and Taylor-and a theology of the cross-through Luther, Kierkegaard, Bonhoeffer, and Jungel-to envision a phenomenology of the cruciform self. The result is a bold and original view of what philosophical anthropology could look like if it took the scandal of the cross s...
In the march of modernity and the opening of global boundaries, the face of the world changed. How we understood the world, and our place in it, changed. And with that great shift, our concept of the Holy Spirit also changed. Now the third person of the Trinity became a diffusive power in a universalizing attempt at resolving the expansively harsh realities of human existence. In A Profound Ignorance , Ephraim Radnertraces the development of pneumatology as a modern discipline and its responses...
Charismatic Renewal and Pentecostalism
by Isidore Iwejuo Cssp Nkwocha
Mumifizierung Im Koptischen Agypten (Agypten Und Altes Testament, #39)
by Gudrun Fischhaber
The Human Person in Theology and Psychology
by James R Beck and Bruce Demarest