Your Voice Like a Ram's Horn (Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, #18)
by Marc Saperstein
The eighteen studies in this book continue the exploration of the Jewish sermon Saperstein began in his groundbreaking Jewish Preaching 1200-1800. His new research further illustrates the importance of this genre, largely ignored by modern scholarship, as an indispensible resource for understanding Jewish history, spirituality, and thought from the High Middle Ages to the beginning of the Emancipation in Europe. Saperstein's thematic studies explore the most important occasions for traditional r...
In this powerful book, Carol Ochs shows us how to develop a personal theology by examining our life stories, learning to recognize God at work in them, and bringing them into conversation with Torah. Using timeless biblical texts as lenses to see the present, she helps us understand who we are and who God is for us by exploring the tightly interwoven basic elements of our lives--our love, suffering, work, bodies, prayer, community, and experiences of death. Through the process of seeing our exp...
Feminine Faith - L'Hovin Inyan Rosh Chodesh (CHS) (Chasidic Heritage)
by Shais Taub and Avrohom D Vaisfiche
Lessons in Sefer Hamaamarim Festivals Vol. 1
by Menachem M Schneerson, Eliyahu Touger, and Sholom B Wineberg
"Cohen argues that it was in the thirteenth century that a fundamental shift occurred in the Christian perception of both Judaism and Jews in Western Europe, and he attributes this change to the activities of the newly-formed mendicant orders—the Dominicans and Franciscans. In order to make this case as effectively as he does, the author has to approach his problem from two different perspectives—that of the historian of the medieval church, and that of the Jewish historian. Each of these approa...
It is a widespread idea that the roots of the Christian sermon can be found in the Jewish derasha. But the story of the interrelation of the two homiletical traditions, Jewish and Christian, from New Testament times to the present day is still untold. Can homiletical encounters be registered? Is there a common homiletical history - not only in the modern era, but also in rabbinic times and in the Middle Ages? Which current developments affect Jewish and Christian preaching today, in the 21st cen...
Likkutei Sichot Volume 21 (Kovets Shalshelet Ha-Or, #9)
by Menachem Mendel Schneerson
We Only Fear Due To Lack Of Faith Sermon Notes Journal
by Christian Spirit Journal
Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Preaching in the Mediterranean and Europe (Sermo, #15)