The ever-popular Glenstal Sunday Missal has now been reissued following the revision of the Roman Missal. It again covers the three liturgical years, containing all readings, along with personal pieces of reflection and meditation from the Glenstal monks, as well as the Order of Mass. Glenstal Abbey is a Benedictine monastery located in Murroe, Co. Limerick. The Abbey, which is dedicated to Saints Joseph and Columba, is home to a community of monks. Their prayer and liturgical celebration co...
Services for Occasions of Pastoral Care (Supplemental Liturgical Resources)
by Westminster John Knox Press
This resource will help pastors and visitors in their ministry with the sick and the dying. It is designed for use by any person, ordained or lay, who is engaged in any ministry of care. The Presbyterian Supplemental Liturgical Resource (SLT) series includes liturgies that were used on a trial basis in preparation for the development of the Book of Common Worship. Though superseded by the Book of Common Worship, SLR resources remain valuable, both for the variety of liturgical texts they contai...
Language and the Worship of the Church (Studies in Literature and Religion)
This series attempts to provide an interdisclipinary introduction to the study of literature and religion, and is concerned with the issues of the imagination, literary perceptions and an understanding of poetics for theology and religious studies, and the underlying religious implications of so much literature and literary criticism. This collection of essays examines the rhetorical qualities of the earliest liturgies and how their language developed under the pressure of theological and social...
Charles Haddon Spurgeon was passionate about congregational worship. Arising from devout affection, the frustration he found while using the the compilations of hymns available in his day, spurred him to compile this selection of hymns for use in his congregation. Over 1,000 psalms, hymns and spiritual songs include not only direct praise, but doctrine, experience and exhortation, enabling the saints to edify one another in their singing. Cross–references to Spurgeon’s other works ensure that th...
Book of Alternative Services of the Anglican Church of Canada
Liturgical Reflections of a Papal Master of Ceremonies
by Reverend Monsigenor Guido Marini
The Promise of His Glory
The Promise of His Glory
Der Genfer Psalter und seine Rezeption in Deutschland, der Schweiz und den Niederlanden (Fruhe Neuzeit, #97)
Der reformierte Genfer Psalter gehoert zu den wirkungsgeschichtlich bedeutendsten Literatur- und Musikwerken des 16. Jahrhunderts. Die Psalmendichtungen des Clement Marot und Theodore de Beze erfuhren - nicht zuletzt dank der kongenialen Vertonungen - seit Erscheinen der ersten Gesamtausgabe (1562) sowohl in der franzoesischen Originalversion als auch in zahlreichen UEbersetzungen europaweite Verbreitung und gewannen vor allem im deutschsprachigen Raum erheblichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung de...