Understanding the Rabbinic Mind (Studies in the History of Judaism)
by Peter Ochs
Grace Is Like Chocolate Without the Calories
by Sandra D Bricker, Loree Lough, Trish Perry, and Cynthia Ruchti
These one-hundred devotions remind readers how fully God's grace covers every slip and stumble. Our best can never be good enough, but grace is greater than our largest shortcoming. Writing with humor and heart, four of America's best-loved inspirational writers share their own lives, inviting readers to find the blessings in the challenges. Whether you are facing deadlines, double-scheduled meetings, growing loads of laundry, or all that and more, if you begin your day with a reminder of God's...
The student workbooks are available in print and the teacher guides as downloadable PDFs, in Hebrew and English. Students who study Torah with Matok: *View Torah as kadosh (a sacred text) and read it in an inquiring, deep, and reverent way. *Are participants in the continuing revelation and uncovering of truth emanating from God. *Learn Torah in the original Hebrew. *Develop literary skills to study the Torah independently. *Engage in critical thinking. *Become sensitive to shades of mean...
This brand-new title offers the reader an accessible and chronological presentation of the history and development of this most unique of philosophies. What were the political influences on its development? How much impact did other cultures have? Learn and explore as you go along on this historical journey. Perfect for adult education sessions or Hebrew high school discussions.
Provides information and discussion ideas to reinforce the importance of life cycle events to the Jewish tradition.
A comprehensive statement on nuclear weaponry proliferation within the context of Jewish thinking on war and peace. Based on Biblical and Talmudic sources. Written for the scholarly as well as average reader.
Curriculum for day school classrooms.
This is directed to Jews who want to enhance their ability to pray. Then come suggestions on how to rediscover the art of prayer. Includes notes and bibliography.
A mahzor for children's/junior congregations and family services, illustrated with two-color pages and gender-free translations. Also useful for class study with older synagogue school students. Tiku Shofar features discussion starters, thoughts, questions, and stories to tell and share. It contains both the traditional first blessing of the Amidah and an alternate version with forefathers and mothers. An excellent sourcebook for teachers and families.
This informative handbook provides guides on how to make choices and decisions before the birth of a child and during a youngster's formative years.