Jewish-Christianity and the Origins of Islam (Judaisme Ancien Et Origines Du Christianisme, #13)
Voices of History Israel: A Country with Its Institutions (Voices of History Israel, #3)
by Shlomo Goren, Abba Eban, Avraham Harman, Moshe Landau, Kalman Mann, Zvi Kaspi, Nahum Pessin, Sister Selma, and Meyer W Weisgal
Tractate Berakhot (Studia Judaica)
After World War II, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) published works in English and German by eminent Israeli scholars, in this way introducing them to a wider audience in Europe and North America. The series he founded for that purpose, Studia Judaica, continues to offer a platform for scholarly studies and editions that cover all eras in the history of the Jewish religion.
The Legends of the Jews Volume 4 - Primary Source Edition
by Professor Louis Ginzberg and Boaz Cohen
Jewish-Christian contact and controversy were central to early Christian experience. An understanding of their role in Christian origins and their continuation over the centuries is essential for any serious engagement with the history of Christianity and the history of Judaism. In Jews and Christians William Horbury makes an important contribution to the understanding of under-explored primary sources, both Jewish and Christian. 'Horbury is to be applauded for writing a careful, considered work...
Der vorliegende Sammelband thematisiert in einem weiten historischen Rahmen die rechtliche und soziale Stellung und Rolle von Frauen im antiken Judentum, im fruhen Christentum und in der griechisch-roemischen Welt. Herangezogen werden dokumentarische Texte aus AEgypten und der Judaischen Wuste, ausgewahlte Texte vom Toten Meer sowie Zeugnisse aus der judisch-hellenistischen, fruhchristlichen und rabbinischen UEberlieferung. Thematisiert werden Fragen der liturgischen und gottesdienstlichen Funkt...
The Star of Redemption (The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)
by Franz Rosenzweig
The Star of Redemption is widely recognized as a key document of modern existential thought and a significant contribution to Jewish theology in the twentieth century. An affirmation of what Rosenzweig called "the new thinking," the work ensconces common sense in the place of abstract, conceptual philosophizing and posits the validity of the concrete, individual human being over that of "humanity" in general. Fusing philosophy and theology, it assigns both Judaism and Christianity distinct but e...
A twentieth-anniversary reprint of the landmark book that launched the current explosion of social-scientific studies in the biblical field. It sets forth a cultural-material methodology for reconstructing the origins of ancient Israel and offers the hypothesis that Israel emerged as an indigenous social revolutionary peasant movement. In a new preface, written for this edition, Gottwald takes account of the 'sea change' in biblical studies since 1979 as he reviews the impact of his work on chur...
King, Priest, Prophet (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, #47)
by Geza Xeravits
Among the newly published texts of the Qumran Library there are a good number with eschatological content. Some of these texts relate the eschatological activity of certain figures who seem to play an important role in the events of the eschaton. This study explores these figures. The material of this study is divided into two main parts. The first is analytical, in which the related textual material is investigated, each passage in turn. The second, systematic section contains the evaluation an...
A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period, Volume II (The Old Testament Library)
by Rainer Albertz
This book, the second of two volumes, offers a comprehensive history of Israelite religion. It is a part of the Old Testament Library series. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Battle of the Gods: The God of Israel Versus Marduk of Babylon (Studia Semitica Neerlandica, #42)
Figurative Language in Biblical Prose Narrative (Vetus Testamentum, Supplements, #107)
by Andrea Weiss
This study applies several linguistic approaches to the book of Samuel in order to investigate the defining features of metaphor and the way metaphor and other forms of figurative language operate in biblical narrative. The book begins with an exploration of how to identify and interpret the metaphors in 1 Samuel 25. Next, the metaphors in 2 Samuel 16:16-17:14 are compared with other tropes, primarily metonymy and simile. Then the notion of "dead" metaphors is challenged while examining the fi...
A unique chronicle of the hundred-year period when the Jewish people changed the world - and it changed them Marx, Freud, Proust, Einstein, Bernhardt and Kafka. Between the middle of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries a few dozen men and women changed the way we see the world. But many have vanished from our collective memory despite their enduring importance in our daily lives. Without Karl Landsteiner, for instance, there would be no blood transfusions or major surgery. Without Paul Ehrli...
The Theocratic Ideology of the Chronicler (Biblical Interpretation, #33)
by Jonathan ok Dyck
This volume is a study of the ideology of the Chronicler in the context of the emerging theocratic community of Judah in the Persian period. This study breaks new ground in treating the 'purpose' of Chronicles from an explicitly social-theoretical perspective. The first two chapters examine the relationship between biblical interpretation and ideological criticism, moving from the historical critical concept of 'purpose' to the hermeneutical issues of understanding, ideological distortion and cr...
A People Tall and Smooth-Skinned (Vetus Testamentum, Supplements, #112) (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum)
by Marta Hoyland Lavik
This volume delivers an analysis of the persuasive artistry of Isaiah 18, i.e. how Isa 18 is designed in order to persuade an ancient audience. The analysis is pursued from four angles: the textual design, the motifs, the rhetoric of the text and finally, it is shown how the various strophes within each stanza of Isa 18 relate to one another. The present analysis demonstrates that Isa 18 is an example of Hebrew rhetoric, and that the text can be read as a coherent whole - even though the majori...
Theologies in Conflict in 4 Ezra (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, #130)
by Karina Hogan
Recent scholarship on 4 Ezra has taken two divergent approaches, the first reading the dialogues between Ezra and Uriel as a reflection of theological debates in the author's time, and the second focusing on the psychological development of the protagonist. Combining the two approaches, this book offers a new interpretation of the dialogues as a literary representation of a debate between covenantal and eschatological wisdom, two branches of Jewish wisdom that emerged in the late Second Temple p...
Jewish Perspectives on Hellenistic Rulers (Hellenistic Culture and Society, #50)
This volume gathers sixteen essays on monarchy and power in the Hellenistic period and charts a new approach to Hellenistic history by focusing attention on biblical and Jewish evidence and reading that evidence in new ways. The essays consider the kings, queens, and power figures of the Hellenistic dynasties, as well as ancient Israelite kings, the Babylonian and Persian rulers of the Bible, Parthians, and Romans. The volume also represents a new kind of interpretation of the Greek Bible (Septu...
Le livre retrace, a partir des panegyriques de Gregoire de Nazianze et Jean Chrysostome, l'evolution du culte des martyrs Maccabees dans le christianisme depuis les origines jusqu'au IVe siecle et met en evidence la place centrale de 4 M dans ce processus. La traduction du corpus est donne en annexe. *** The book uses the eulogies of Gregory Nazianzen and John Chrysostom to trace the evolution of the cult of the maccabean martyrs through Christianity from the origins to the IVth century an...
The Holocaust: The Basics is a concise introduction to the study of this seismic event in mid twentieth-century human history. The book takes an original approach as both a narrative and thematic introduction to the topic, and provides a core foundation for readers embarking upon their own study. It examines a range of perspectives and subjects surrounding the Holocaust, including:the perpetrators of the Holocaustthe victimsresistance to the Holocaustliberationlegacies and survivors' memories...
Scripture as Logos (Divinations) (Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion)
by Azzan Yadin
The study of midrash-the biblical exegesis, parables, and anecdotes of the Rabbis-has enjoyed a renaissance in recent years. Most recent scholarship, however, has focused on the aggadic or narrative midrash, while halakhic or legal midrash-the exegesis of biblical law-has received relatively little attention. In Scripture as Logos, Azzan Yadin addresses this long-standing need, examining early, tannaitic (70-200 C.E.) legal midrash, focusing on the interpretive tradition associated with the figu...