For every vibrant, fulfilled Christian, there seem to be nine who are "doing all the right things" but still feel bogged down, tied up, or burned out. Bob George shows us the way back to authenic Christianity--the kind that Christ had in mind when He set us free.
Life's Little Handbook of Wisdom Leather Boxed Graduates Ed.
by Charles Dickens
Covering eight beautifully illustrated, fold-out panels, The St. Francis Prayer offers a lovely, peaceful way to meditate daily on the power of love and forgiveness. Each freestanding, illustrated book in this series offers the perfect way to visually enhance home or office decor.
En su oeltimo libro, Reconstruye tu vida, el exitoso autor T.D. Jakes brinda consejos que ayudarn a los lectores a ajustarse a los muchos cambios que la vida trae. fste es un llamado a despertar y hacerte cargo de tu vida AAhora! Este libro no s-lo aborda las zonas donde la pasividad o incluso las decisiones torpes han ahogado la creatividad del lector, sino que tambiZn instruye sobre la manera de controlar los cambios y sacarle el mximo de provecho a la vida. ValiZndose del conocimiento adquiri...
Bible in Spoken Word Compact Disc King James Version
by Charlton Heston