The most frequently asked question on homeschool forums is, "How do I do this?" and the number one complaint is, "David won't do (fill in the blank). How can I get him to do it?" God Schooling answers these questions and more. Parents gain the insight and confidence to teach their own children as they learn from experts, Biblical references, and the author's own experiences from nearly fifteen years of homeschooling.
Der Einsatz des Bibliologs im Religionsunterricht der Oberstufe
by Anonym
Glancing Back At The History of Hillsdale College
by Alton E Loveless
Die Arbeit beschaftigt sich mit der christlichen Gemeinschaftsschule in Baden. Zunachst wird die Historie dieser Schulform dargestellt und es wird auf die theologischen und politischen Herausforderungen hingewiesen, der sie sich gegenubergestellt sah. Die Arbeit zeigt die geschichtliche Entwicklung der christlichen Gemeinschaftsschule in Baden auf. Im Weiteren setzt sie sich mit dem Kernproblem der Verfassungsmassigkeit auseinander und greift den Wunsch nach einer neuen Verwaltungsvorschrift zur...
Religion in Schools (Debating Issues in American Education: A Sage Reference Set, #4)
Bibel Und Bibeldidaktik (Jahrbuch Der Religionspadagogik, #23)
by Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht
What Does God Say About Me? (Scoot, Scoot, Scoot, #4)
by Fred Hinton
Simple magic tricks for teaching spiritual truths to children are explained in precise detail in this distinctive compendium. The lessons faithfully follow the catechism of the Catholic Church, but many of the tricks can be used or adapted by teachers from other Christian denominations and other religions. Each trick is presented on a two-page spread and fully explicated by text and sequential illustrations. Magic tips for better performance are interspersed among the tricks, which are done with...
The Story of Mormonism (James E. Talmage Collection, #4)
by James E Talmage
Facing issues of violence and conflict, authors of textbooks for Religious Education (RE) choose a range of different strategies. While some try to write as non-controversially as possible about such issues, other authors choose to leave them completely out. Even in the academic study of religions, a well-established perspective is that religion is primarily something good, and important for societies as well as for human development. Such basic presumptions/perspectives are often nurtured by an...
Little Worship Company Series 1 Devotional Guide Beautiful World (Little Worship Company, #2)