Theologie Im Spannungsfeld Von Kirche Und Politik - Theology in Engagement with Church and Politics (Glaube Und Denken, #31)
Die 39 Beitrage dieses Sonderbandes beleuchten das Thema Theologie im Spannungsfeld von Kirche und Politik aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Neben historischen Aspekten werden sowohl politisch-zeitgeschichtliche Fragen als auch ethische Problemstellungen bedacht. Weitere Aufsatze widmen sich der praktisch-theologischen Reflexion und Konkretion im Rahmen der christlichen Gemeinde, wie auch der Relevanz des Themas in aussereuropaischen politisch-kulturellen Kontexten. Der internationale Autorenk...
"Though women have been objects more often than subjects of interreligious dialogue, they have nevertheless contributed in significant ways to the dialogue, just as the dialogue has also contributed to their own self-understanding. This volume, the fifth in the Interreligious Dialogue Series, brings together historical, critical, and constructive approaches to the role of women in the dialogue between religions. These approaches deal with concrete examples of women's involvement in dialogue, cri...
Way of Transformation (Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity, v. 96)
by Geraldine M. Smyth
Die Okumene Und Der Widerstand Gegen Diktaturen (Konfession Und Gesellschaft, #39)
Church Unity & the Papal Office
by Carl E Braaten and Robert W. Jenson
El Filioque es una de las cuestiones mas largas y complejas de la historia del dogma cristiano. Se cuenta todavia entre las causas de la division entre catolicos y ortodoxos. En 1995, a peticion de Juan Pablo II, el Pontificio Consejo para la promocion de la Unidad de los Cristianos publico un breve texto que expresa la comprension catolica del problema. Entre sus diversas implicaciones, el documento, conocido como Clarificacion romana, se centra en los aspectos dogmaticos, que expone a partir d...
Merton and the Protestant Tradition (The Fons Vitae Thomas Merton)
by William Oliver Paulsell
Virgin Mary Queen of Peace Prayers on Flower Images Supplications for Help Against Affliction & Oppression by Artist Grace Divine
by Grace Divine
The World's Parliament of Religions and the Religious Parliament Extension
by World''s Religious Parliament Extension
Christian Perspectives on Theological Anthropology
The Great Doctrines of the Bible (The Ecumenical Theological Seminary Library; 2013.)
by William Evans
Jesus' prayer on behalf of his of followers is "that all may be one. As you, Father are in me and I am in you, may they also be one in us" (John 17:21). No Turning Back illustrates significant developments in ecumenism during the thirty-plus years of ecumenical theologian Margaret O'Gara's own engagement in ecumenical dialogue. This collection of selected papers from the final fifteen years of O'Gara's work before her untimely death in 2012 aims to illustrate the broad lines of ecumenism...
Hierarchie der Wahrheiten als Akumenisches Modell
by Wolfram Langpape
Das "Modell der Hierarchie der Wahrheiten" geht auf den evangelischen Theologen Edmund Schlink (1903-1984) zurA"ck. Die vorliegende Untersuchung fA"hrt verschiedene AnsAtze aus dem Gesamtwerk Schlinks zu einer Akumenischen Methodik zusammen und bietet darin zugleich einen breiten Aberblick A"ber dessen Werk: Ein Vorgehen im Akumenischen Dialog nach dem Modell der Hierarchie der Wahrheiten setzt einen klaren systematischen Ansatz im Aufbau jeder konfessionellen Dogmatik voraus: Alle Themenbereich...
This is an examination of the intricate relationships that have evolved between Arabs and Jews as they have dwelled together in Israel and in territories under Israeli control. The author presents a portrait of people whose perceptions have been changed by war, religion, nationalism and political conflict. The author's purpose is not to travel over the old ground of the political or military dimensions of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Instead he has sought out the human dimensions of the people inv...
The nexus between monotheism and ethics, especially in the forms professed by the three Abrahamic faiths, is the theme that binds together the studies in this volume. Fourteen leading academics from around the world discuss philosophical and theological connections, historical interactions, as well as responses to new and contemporary issues. Most, though not all of the essays, find a meaningful connection between monotheism and ethics; but none shy away from the problems involved.
Christianity and the Notion of Nothingness (Philosophy of Religion - World Religions, #2)
by Kazuo MUTO
This publication by Muto Kazuo is a significant Christian contribution to the predominantly Buddhist "Kyoto School of Philosophy." Muto proposes a philosophy of religion in order to overcome the claim for Christian exclusivity, as proposed by Karl Barth and others. On such a foundation, he investigates the possibilities for mutual understanding between Buddhism and Christianity. Thereby he engages in a critical exchange with the Kyoto School philosophers Nishida, Tanabe, and Nishitani. Throughou...
Sakramentale Rechtfertigung (Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXIII, Theologie,, #628)
by Stanislav Drobny and Klaus Engel
Die Rechtfertigungslehre ist in der gegenwartigen okumenischen Diskussion hochst aktuell. Das Dokument des OAK "Lehrverurteilungen-kirchentrennend"? ist der Uberzeugung, dass die Kontroverse aus dem 16. Jahrhundert durch den veranderten Kontext und die neueren Lehrentwicklungen uberwunden ist. Es hat jedoch den sakramental-ekklesiologischen Charakter des Rechtfertigungsgeschehens wenig berucksichtigt und damit eine wichtige Dimension der Gesprache zwischen den evangelischen und katholischen Chri...
This third volume of Veli-Matti Karkkainen's ambitious five volume theology project develops a Christian theology of creation and humanity (theological anthropology) in dialogue with the Christian tradition, with contemporary theology in all its global and contextual diversity, and with other major living faiths - Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. In constructing his theology of creation and humanity, Karkkainen uniquely engages the natural sciences, including physical, cosmological, and n...