CULTURAL RELATIVISM IN CHRISTIANITY Biblical correctness in culturally influenced society
by Jemima Lazar
Many of us have a complicated relationship with our body. Maybe you've been made to feel ashamed of your body or like it isn't good enough. Maybe your body is riddled with stress, pain, or the effects of trauma. Maybe you think of your body as an accessory to what you believe you really are--your mind. Maybe your experiences with racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, ageism, or sizeism have made you believe your body isn't the right kind of body. Whatever the reason, many of us don't feel at h...
Exploring the role of imagination in trauma recovery, the author shares the arresting dreams and stories of traumatized adolescents. Describing the impact of trauma on adolescent health and development, the author provides promising research into the use of breathing skills, HRV Biofeedback, and dream work to promote healthy breathing, emotion regulation, and restorative dreaming. Research suggests that these interventions can decrease post-traumatic distress and assist in the creation of meanin...
Both Lamentations and Ezekiel focus on the destruction of Jerusalem, an act of divine punishment for the city's faithlessness over many years. Lamentations is caught up in the catastrophe that befalls the city, and combines grief, sorrow and pleas for mercy in its few short chapters. Ezekiel reflects on the same events from the standpoint of those living in exile in the city of Babylon, but turns his attention to the future, offering a series of positive visions that speak of God's plans for ult...
100 Biblical Tips to Help You Live a More Peaceful and Prosperous Life
by Alicia S Walker
Presenting clergy and chaplains with unique therapeutic tools for helping senior adults enrich their later years, this book gives advice on how to strengthen relationships, find meaning in life and feel comfortable approaching life's final chapter.It guides clergy and chaplains through how to effectively conduct "Soul Legacy" projects, in which older people reflect on what they want to leave behind for their loved ones and how they want to be remembered after they die. It enables older people to...
A new form of anxiety has emerged, stemming in part from our post-9/11 reality, but even more stemming from the influence of supermodernity. Whereas postmodernism theorizes an anxiety that results from the collapse or loss of meaning, through the lens of supermodernity it appears that the new anxiety is evoked more by an excess of meaning generated by the rapid acceleration of human life and the media's daily bombardment with serious global, national, and local concerns. This book explores the...