Gender Differences and the Making of Liturgical History (Liturgy, Worship and Society)
by Professor Teresa Berger
Mapping uncharted territory in the study of liturgy's past, this book offers a history to contemporary questions around gender and liturgical life. Teresa Berger looks at liturgy's past through the lens of gender history, understood as attending not only to the historically prominent binary of "men" and "women" but to all gender identities, including inter-sexed persons, ascetic virgins, eunuchs, and priestly men. Demonstrating what a gender-attentive inquiry is able to achieve, Berger explores...
Presents an exploration of liturgical space, covering the theological background, how our idea of the church affects our use of space, the altar, the place of the Word, the place of Initiation, presiding at worship, personal devotion and practice; the church building and the mission of the church.
Since its initial publication in 2006, Paul Turner'sLet Us Pray has become a valuable resource for understanding, planning, and celebrating the Eucharist.This new edition, thoroughly updated by the author to be in full continuity with the Revised English Translation of The Roman Missal, will be one that priests, liturgical ministers, planners, and students will want to keep close at hand. Turner offers helpful explanations for the principal rubrics for a typical Sunday Mass. He reflects on the...
Das Ordnungsdenken Im Christlich-Orthodoxen Raum (Erfurter Studien Zur Kulturgeschichte Des Orthodoxen Christe, #20)
by Marian Patru
Die Abtei Venosa Und Das Moenchtum Im Normannisch-Staufischen Suditalien
by Hubert Houben
In both detail and broad perspective this is a ground breaking study. It is the first book to be written on the Dominican Order in Scotland. Set in the early modern era, it opens with the place of the Dominicans within the political history of the realm, arguing that the Dominicans had an independent and self-consciously Scottish identity. Then, various aspects of their work are covered; universities, law courts, prayers for the dead. Manuscripts of anniversary foundations reveal the urban patro...
Religion and Politics (American University Studies. Series 10: Political Science; 2)
Teresa of Jesus: Woman, Prophet, Mystic
by Maria Rosaura Gonzalez Casas
Based on twenty years of teaching experience, James White presents this reference book as a resource for students and scholars who are engaged in studying and teaching the forms and meaning of Christian worship. White utilizes original documents and classical statements related to worship and examines historically the application of liturgical practice in parish life.
Spirituality in the Time of John Baptist de la Salle (Lasallian Resources: Current Lasallian Studies;, #3)
Diese Arbeit versucht, die Theologie als politische Groesse zu entwerfen und einer Politik der Theologie nachzugehen, die jenseits von macht- und parteipolitischen Interessen einen unbeirrbaren Standpunkt der Liebe zum Menschen, insbesondere der Liebe zu den Frauen, vertritt. Daher verfolgt sie nicht nur ein hermeneutisches, sondern vor allem ein pragmatisches Interesse. Im Zentrum steht die politische Theologie Dorothee Soelles. Die Studie behandelt die Zusammenhange von Politik und Theologie i...
The Liturgy That Does Justice
by James L Empereur and Christopher G Kiesling
El Libro de la Liturgia y Las Festividades Religiosas
by Pablo Martin Avila
Comedian Paul Kerensa is a church-hopper. Not because he can't settle, but because his job sends him all over the country, every weekend. Every Friday and Saturday night he's hurling jokes at audiences in different towns - it can be hen parties in Birmingham one weekend, a Cornish arts centre the next. His ritual has always been to find dirt-cheap Saturday night accommodation, and an enriching nearby church on Sunday morning. In his experience, the churches are more diverse - and more often tha...