"Is the experience of God's grace in your life a thrilling thing? Just thinking about the fact that God, by His own sovereign plan, decided to be gracious to me is overwhelming. There is nothing greater than receiving grace upon grace." -John MacArthur Simple definitions can make grace feel like an obvious?even mundane?concept. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grace is the defining feature of the Christian faith. Once we understand how undeserving we are and how much favor we've been giv...
As you read the book of Acts, you may wonder: are these the same disciples I read about in the gospels? The ones who doubted in Galilee and ran for their lives in Gethsemane? The answer is: no. They are different. The Spirit dwells within them. And what God did for them, he longs to do for you. Join beloved author Max Lucado as he walks the roads of Acts—the amazing account of God's active Spirit among his servants and Christ's Church spreading to the world. As you read, study, journal, and dis...
Con ensenanza biblicasolida e historias profundamente conmovedoras, Sheila Walsh ayuda a las mujeres a descubrir la bondad de Diosen la vida cotidiana.?Por que es tan dificil creer en la actividadredentora de los sufrimientos de la vida? Sucede un divorcio y la esperanzaparece tan distante. Se pierde un trabajo y el sentido de seguridad se queda ala deriva. No se cumple un sueno y parece mejor no sonar en lo absoluto.Sheila Walsh cree que la batalla por la esperanza es la necesidad central que t...
Thisyear, take an insightful journey through the pages of the New Testament. Fifty-two pastors bring NewTestament scripture alive in Walk Throughthe Word. Each day offers a passage of the New Testament and a meaningfuldevotional, and each week readers will be encouraged to journal their thoughtson the scriptures and commentary they have read. As readers continue their walkthrough God’s Word, their knowledge of Him will grow, and they will findthemselves becoming more like Christ. Coupled wit...
Let man's best friend guide you into deeper relationship with our greatest Friend. We love our dogs! They teach us so much about unconditional love-they provide companionship and loyalty no matter the condition of our hearts and lives. In Happy Tails, Linda Winn shares inspirational dog stories of rescue and redemption that parallel the never-ending love God has for you. Each devotional story includes Scripture, quotations, and takeaway thoughts or prayers. It's the ideal companion book for dog...
A simple potato farmer with a mighty faith and a willing heart-God steps in and changes everything, just like He can do for you. Internationally bestselling author and ministry leader Angus Buchan is the author of Faith Like Potatoes and the founder of Mighty Men Conferences, which have drawn more than 500,000 attendees to Buchan's Shalom Farm Ministry in South Africa, with additional Mighty Men Conferences drawing thousands more worldwide. Although Buchan speaks to thousands all over the worl...
Life. There are so many decisions. So much to think of, remember, plan, do, be, and accomplish. If only there was someone with wise words, a plan, some direction for our lives. Luci Swindoll has spoken to thousands of women over the course of her lifetime. She finds reason for laughter in the midst of tears. She also knows?from experience?the importance of listening, learning, laughing, and loving her way through life. Between laughing with friends and adopting humor as a basic lifestyle, Luci...