Catholicism: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
by Gerald O'Collins
Despite a long history of external threats and internal strife, the Roman Catholic Church remains a vast and influential presence in our modern world. But what were its origins, and how has it changed and adapted over the centuries? After Pope Benedict XVI dramatically resigned in early 2013 (the first Pope to resign since the fifteenth century), and Pope Francis was elected, many wondered what direction he would lead the Church in, and whether the Church could modernise in the face of the dema...
Die Bistumer Der Kirchenprovinz Koeln. Das Bistum Munster III. Das (Freiweltliche) Damenstift Freckenhorst
Saint Columban: His Life, Rule, and Legacy contains a new English translation of a commentary on the entire Rule of Columban. Columban was a sixth-century Irish monk who compiled a written rule of life for the three monasteries he founded in France: Anegray, Luxeuil, and Fontaines. This volume also includes the first English translation of the Regula cuiusdam Patris ad Virgines, or the Rule of Walbert, compiled by the seventh-century Count Walbert from various earlier rules designed for women, i...
The Rule of Benedict (Cistercian Fathers, #56) (Cistercian Studies, #256)
by Georg Holzherr, OSB
In his introduction to this commentary on the Rule of Benedict, Abbot Georg Holzherr offers this analogy: "The Rule is comparable to an old heavy red wine that is enjoyed in small sips. . . . Head and heart, soul and mind should taste the words of the Rule, just as the eye enjoys the color of the wine while tongue, nose, and mouth take in the delightful gift of God each in their own way." In this new translation, based on the completely revised seventh edition of DieBenediktsregel, Holzherr ha...
In The Word on the Street, John Martens brings the Bible to where people live, in the church, at home, at work, and in the broader world. This lectionary commentary for every Sunday of the liturgical year offers readers a way in which the Bible can speak to them in light of their lives today. John Martens is known for his contributions to The Word, a popular column in America magazine. The Word on the Street is the first book (Year A) in a three-volume series that presents scriptural, liturgic...
In Mary's Bodily Assumption, Matthew Levering presents a contemporary explanation and defense of the Catholic doctrine of Mary's bodily Assumption. He asks: How does the Church justify a doctrine that does not have explicit biblical or first-century historical evidence to support it? With the goal of exploring this question more deeply, he divides his discussion into two sections, one historical and the other systematic. Levering's historical section aims to retrieve the rich Mariological doctr...
2008 Catholic Press Association Award Winner! Los catalicos muchas veces somos renuentes a comenzar aleer la Biblia por varias razones. Quizas guardamos la nocian de que la Biblia es un libro destinado para un mostrador, para apuntar las fechas de nacimiento, bautismo, casamiento y muerte de los miembros de la familia. O tal vez una vez intentamos leer la Biblia y descubrimos en ella una cultura completamente diferente ala nuestra y por lo tanto llegamos ala conclusian de que la Biblia no conte...
The Perth Charterhouse before 1500 and Other Essays (Analecta Cartusiana, #128)
by W.N.M Beckett
Saints and Other Powerful Men in the Church
by Bob Lord and Penny Lord
Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrement and the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Alfonso Maria de', St.Liguori
The Bread of the Strong (Catholic Practice in North America)
by Jack Lee Downey
Contributing to the ongoing excavation of the spiritual lifeworld of Dorothy Day—“the most significant, interesting, and influential person in the history of American Catholicism”—The Bread of the Strong offers compelling new insight into the history of the Catholic Worker movement, including the cross-pollination between American and Quebecois Catholicism and discourse about Christian antimodernism and radicalism. The considerable perseverance in the heroic Christian maximalism that became the...
Uses examples from great literature to present powerful, articulate discussions of the Catholic character For those who seek a moderately challenging, intellectual discussion of traditional Catholic morality, this book inspires readers to study and apply wisdom from trusted literary and spiritual masters in making honorable and morally upright choices. In this companion piece to "The Virtues We Need Again", Dr Mitchell Kalpakgian explores through Western literature the many aspects of Catholic c...