Why Should I Honor My Man or Woman of God? Honoring What God Honors
by Apostle Charlie Redish
Temas Esenciales de la Vida Espiritual VII (Temas Esenciales de la Vida Espiritual, #7)
by Fernando Regnault
Five major apocryphal Acts survive from the early period of the Christian church, the so-called Acts of Andrew, Paul, Peter, John, and Thomas. The Acts of Peter deals primarily with the conflict between the apostle Peter and Simon Magus, and the apostle's martyrdom. It employs traditional stories and the literary conventions of its day in a free manner to assure believers that they have ample reason to remain loyal to Christ, or return to faith if they have faltered. This study edition of The Ac...
After Exegesis
After Exegesis frames an inclusive feminist biblical theology, exploring creation, providence, divine judgment, salvation, praise, justice, authority, inclusion, the "other," moral agency, suffering, violence, reconciliation, flourishing, and hope. Each chapter places multiple related biblical texts in dialogue around a common theological concern. In so doing, this work exemplifies a central feminist claim: that bringing two or more texts, often born of different contexts, into conversation with...
30 Days of Spiritual Inspiration and Journaling
by Sheree Danielle Parker
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
by Eva S Dowling and Michael I Levi