A comprehensive account of the role and work of the Spirit, covering the entire Bible. Written by a team of leading evangelical scholars, including world authorities such as Craig Bartholomew, David deSilva, James D. G. Dunn, Walter Kaiser and Max Turner. Informed by the latest scholarship. Any attempt at a 'biblical theology' must begin with a careful exegesis of the biblical text. To this end, each contributor addresses either a book or genre in one of the testaments through a rigorous exeges...
Comentario Exegetico Al Texto Griego del Nuevo Testamento: Colosenses
by Samuel Millos
Understanding Purpose (Women of Faith Study Guide)
by Carolyn Custis James
Women of Faith, renowned for their unique combination of personality and truth, offer fresh new messages in their fourth series of popular topical study guides. Titles include:Receiving God's GoodnessExperiencing Spiritual IntimacyContagious JoyUnderstanding PurposeEach study guide, teeming with insights and quotes from the conference speakers provides twelve weeks of Bible study, a leader's guide for small groups, and a special take-home reminder for each week's lesson.
The Bible is held to be both universal and specific, the source of fundamental truths inscribed in words that are exact and sacred. For much of Jewish and almost all of Christian history, however, most believers have understood scripture not in the languages in which it was first written but rather in their own - in translation. This book examines how saints, scholars and interpreters from antiquity to the present have negotiated the difficult task of producing usable versions of the Bible in th...
The Pauline letters continue to provoke scholarly discussion. This volume includes papers that raise a variety of questions regarding the canon of the Pauline writings. Some of the essays are more narrowly focused in their intent, sometimes concentrating upon a single dimension related to the Pauline canon, and sometimes upon even a single letter. Others of the essays are more broadly conceived and deal with how one assesses or accounts for the process that resulted in the letters as a collectio...
Reading Daniel as a Text in Theological Hermeneutics
by Aaron B Hebbard
Employing such disciplines as historical criticism, literary criticism, narrative theology, and hermeneutics, Reading Daniel as a Text in Theological Hermeneutics seeks to maintain an interdisciplinary approach to the Book of Daniel. Through this approach, the author sets out to understand and interpret the Book of Daniel as a narrative exercise in theological hermeneutics. Two inherently linked perspectives are utilised in this particular reading of the text: First is the perception that the ch...
War in Chronicles (Criminal Practice) (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)
by Troy D. Cudworth
Taking on the established view of Chronicles, which uses retribution theology - the view that the author of Chronicles re-worked the texts in Samuel-Kings to demonstrate that Yahweh rewards the good and punishes the wicked - Troy Cudworth argues that this cause-effect relationship is maintained primarily through the treatment of the themes of war and temple-faithfulness. Cudworth identifies a division of kings into categories, with the immediate exception of David, who belongs in his own catego...
John's Letters (Big Greek Idea)
by Herbert W Bateman IV and Aaron C Peer
The Genre, Composition, and Hermeneutics of the Epistle of James (Paternoster Biblical Monographs)
by Luke Leuk Cheung
A fact-and-image-filled guide to the arts, cultures, geography, geology, theologies, philosophies, and lifestyles of biblical times. Easy to use, and full of a wealth of information, the Zondervan Compact Bible Dictionary will equip your study of the Bible. The dictionary features:Concise definitions of persons, places, objects, events, and conceptsOver 6,000 entriesSummaries of the books of the BibleInformation about archaeological finds in the Holy LandHundreds of illustrationsMaps of the anc...
Jesus was the leader of a radical faction of Essene priests. He was not of virgin birth. He did not die on the Cross. He married Mary Magdalene, fathered a family, and later divorced. He died sometime after AD 64. In this controversial version of Christ's life, theological scholar and bestselling author Barbara Thiering presents, after more than twenty years of close study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gospels, a revolutionary theory that, while upholding the fundamental faith of Christianity...
Hermeneutics, Authority and Canon
by John D. Woodbridge and D. A. Carson
Israel in the Persian Period (SBL - Biblical Encyclopedia, #8)
by Erhard S Gerstenberger
Against the backdrop of the history and intellectual world of Persia, Gerstenberger describes the Persian period (539-331 B.C.E.) in the history of Israel, which saw both the creation of biblical literature (historical, prophetic, and poetic writings, especially the Psalms) and important theological developments (e.g., the shape and characteristics of the Jewish community, monotheism, and new means of shaping one's world).
The conclusions of critical biblical scholarship often pose a disconcerting challenge to traditional Christian faith. Between the two poles of uncritical embrace and outright rejection of these conclusions, is there a third way? Can evangelical believers incorporate the insights of biblical criticism while at the same time maintaining a high view of Scripture and a vital faith? In this provocative book, Kenton Sparks argues that the insights from historical and biblical criticism can indeed be v...