The Gospel of Luke (New Cambridge Bible Commentary)
by Amy-Jill Levine and Ben Witherington III
This volume offers a comprehensive overview of one of the four New Testament gospels and brings a unique approach to the genre of Bible commentary. Featuring distinct Jewish and Christian voices in respectful conversation, Amy-Jill Levine and Ben Witherington, III methodologically break new ground in exploring why scholars disagree on questions of history (what actually happened, what is authorial invention, how do we address different versions of the same account), literature (what does this st...
The 'Christmas Story' as we know it, is derived from a mixture of carols and carol services, nativity plays, children's Bibles and paintings. The Bible itself offers two stories, each quite different from the other, not just in detail, but in tone. Neither of them is reproduced in the familiar Christmas story, and indeed, that story sometimes runs counter to the biblical text. This book, which incorporates some of the authors own stories and poems on the Christmas theme, begins by examining the...
Studia Biblica (JSNT supplement, #3) (The Library of New Testament Studies)
The Dead Sea People's Sacred Meal & Jesus' Last Supper
by Rev Leonard F Badia
Award-winning author Mary Kassian provides readers a biblical guide to becoming the strong, resilient, capable women God created them to be. Our culture teaches us that it's important for women to be strong. The Bible agrees. Unfortunately, culture's idea of what makes a woman strong doesn't always align with the Bible's. As a result, Christians often have a skewed view of what constitutes strength. In The Right Kind of Strong, Mary Kassian delves into Paul's exhortation in 2 Timothy about the...
The Symbolic Narratives of the Fourth Gospel (The Library of New Testament Studies)
by Dorothy Lee
In den hier gesammelten Versuchen und Vorarbeiten skizziert Hubert Cancik die Struktur der roemischen Religion und erzahlt ihre Geschichten. Er beobachtet die kultische Praxis und erklart ihre Selbstreflexion, die eigene und die Kritik der anderen, der Griechen, Juden, Christianer. Das raumliche Zentrum dieser Religion und dieser Essays ist die Stadt Rom und die stadtroemische Religionsgeschichte: Denn diese Stadt ist das ' "Haupt", der "Tempel", der "Verschnitt" der Oekumene. Die Religionsgesch...
Martin Hengels "Zeloten"
Martin Hengels Die Zeloten von 1961 stellt auch nach uber 50 Jahren die wichtigste Untersuchung zu den judischen Aufstandsbewegungen des 1. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. dar. Hengel betont darin den radikal-religioesen Hintergrund des judischen Widerstandes gegen Rom. Die Beitrage dieses Bandes gehen auf ein Symposion zuruck, das anlasslich des 85. Geburtstags von Martin Hengel, der 2009 verstorben ist, und der Neuauflage der Zeloten an der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultat Tubingen abgehalten wurde.In s...
Spirit Possession and the Origins of Christianity
by Stevan L. Davies