The Old Testament holds a rich store of insights into every aspect of human experience. The epigrams and precepts in this collection have been chosen from the Old Testament books of "Proverbs", "Ecclesiastes" and the "Song of Solomon". In addition, the collection includes maxims from the "Wisdom of Solomon" and Jesus ben-Sirach's "Ecclesiasticus", two books in the "Apocrypha" known for their proverbial thought.
God's Wisdom for the Graduate: Class of 2022 - Mountain (God's Wisdom (R))
by Jack Countryman
God's Promises for Graduates: Class of 2022 - Pink NKJV (God's Promises (R))
by Jack Countryman
God's Answers for the Graduate: Class of 2022 - Teal NKJV (God's Answers (R))
by Jack Countryman
Mothering Without Guilt (A Mom's Ordinary Day Bible Study)
by Sharon A. Hersh
A Bible study series addressing the unique needs of moms. These 8 Bible studies help women discover God’s wisdom on how to be the best mothers, women, and disciples they can be. Each study contains 6 sessions divided into 5 flexible portions: For You Alone, For You and God’s Word, For You and Others, For You and God, and For You and Your Kids. The last section helps moms share each week’s nugget of truth with their children. • Mothering without Guilt identifies and debunks the “perfect mom” ster...
Mas de 1001 Ilustraciones y Citas de Swindoll
by Charles R. Swindoll
Una cita para cada sermon y todo tema.Charles R. Swindoll es famoso por la riqueza de sus historias tanto reconfortantes como desgarradoras. Todos sus libros de gran exito de ventas y sus programas radiales cotidianos estan llenos de historias de la vida real que nos arrebatan y dirigen nuestra atencion a sus mensajes. Todos reimos, lloramos y meditamos con Chuck, pero nunca pasamos por alto lo que nos quiere decir. Ahora, utilizando esta gran coleccion de toda una vida de las ilustraciones y lo...
Promises for Students from the New International Version (Promises for... S., #3)
Breathtaking in spirit and look, combining the eternal words of the Bible with beautiful full-color nature photographs, 365 Bible Verses--consistently the best and bestselling Bible calendar-- offers wisdom, joy, and comfort for every day of the year. Cited chapter and verse from the King James version, Old and New Testaments, these messages of faith promise to uplift and inspire. A celebration of God's light from Revelation is illustrated by a sunlit mountaintop. Shafts of wheat emphasize Deute...