Prophetic Conflict and Yahwistic Tradition (Glossahouse Dissertation, #3)
by M Sashi Jamir
The Preacher's Commentary - Vol. 03: Leviticus (Preacher's Commentary, #3)
by Dr Gary W Demarest
LXX-Isaiah as Translation and Interpretation (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism)
by R L Troxel
This volume, a part of the Old Testament Library series, explores the book of Genesis.The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
In this new addition to the Old Testament Library series, Graeme Auld writes, "This book is about David." The author demonstrates how all the other personalities in First and Second Samuel--including Samuel, for whom the books were named--are present so that we may see and know David better. These fascinating stories detail the lives of David, his predecessors, and their families. Auld explains that though we read these books from beginning to end, we need to understand that they were composed f...
Der Bibel-Babel-Streit (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #343)
by Klaus Johanning
Threshing Floors in Ancient Israel:Their Ritual and Symbolic Significance (Emerging Scholars)
by Jaime L Waters
Vital to an agrarian community's survival, threshing floors are agricultural spaces where crops are threshed and winnowed. But the Hebrew Bible rarely refers to such agricultural activities taking place at such sites. Instead, biblical narratives repeatedly depict threshing floors in ancient Israel as sites for mourning rites, divination rituals, cultic processions, and sacrifices. Kings consult prophets there; even the Solomonic temple was built on a threshing floor. Jaime L. Waters shows that...
A renowned biblical scholar contends that we have misconstrued the meaning and lessons of the Garden of Eden story for more than two millennia The Garden of Eden story, one of the most famous narratives in Western history, is typically read as an ancient account of original sin and humanity's fall from divine grace. In this highly innovative study, Ziony Zevit argues that this is not how ancient Israelites understood the early biblical text. Drawing on such diverse disciplines as biblical studie...
In analytical retellings of biblical tales about women, Nehama Aschkenasy seeks to demonstrate how recurring situations, dilemmas and modes of conduct represent the politics of women's realities in premodern civilization. She draws on literary critique and behavioural and social theories.
Esther & Daniel (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible)
by Samuel Wells and George Sumner
The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible advances the assumption that the Nicene creedal tradition, in all its diversity, provides the proper basis for the interpretation of the Bible as Christian scripture. The series volumes, written by leading theologians, encourage Christians to extend the vital roots of the ancient Christian tradition to our day. In this addition to the acclaimed series, two respected scholars offer a theological exegesis of Esther and Daniel. As with other volumes in...
The Elder Testament serves as a theological introduction to the canonical unity of the Scriptures of Israel. Christopher Seitz demonstrates that, while an emphasis on theology and canonical form often sidesteps critical methodology, the canon itself provides essential theological commentary on textual and historical reconstruction. Part One reflects on the Old Testament as literature inquiring about its implied reader. Seitz introduces the phrase "Elder Testament" to establish a wider conceptual...
The process of understanding a text from the narrator's point of view is crucial for the tasks of interpreting and translating the Bible. If the translator's understanding of a narrative from the narrator's point of view is erroneous, then the whole process of translating the message into another language may also fall into error. This poses Bible translators a difficult challenge: "How can we understand the narrator's point of view of the biblical stories which are culturally, geographically, a...
Bewaltigung der Katastrophe (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur die Alttestamentliche Wissensch, #208)
by Friedrich Fechter
David (Studies on Personalities of the Old Testament)
by Marti J Steussy
This is a thoughtful examination of one the Old Testament's central human figures. Marti J. Steussy provides a critical approach to the man who receives more attention from the Old Testament's writers than any other human character. This volume explores the ""Hebrew Bible""'s three major portraits of David - found in 1 and 2 ""Samuel"", 1 ""Chronicles"", and ""Psalms"" - and what each implies about the relation between divine and worldly power. Steussy's examination of David in 1 and 2 ""Samuel"...