Come Fly With Me (They Met Jesus, #8) (Child's Life of Christ, #8)
by Katheryn Maddox Haddad
A scholarly edition of the writings and speeches of Edmund Burke. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
Introducing a new kind of Jesus biography: Transform the tired and familiar way you have read the Bible into an electrifying journey of rediscovering Christ. In this compelling work, authors Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola reclaim the entire Bible as a gripping narrative about Jesus Christ. Jesus says, “The Scriptures point to me!” (John 5:39 NLT). But what does that mean exactly? Virtually every other “Jesus biography” begins with the nativity account in Bethlehem. In this innovative book, Swee...
"The Power of the Blood of Christ" does a wonderful job of introducing the need for Christians to claim the blood of Jesus, and in confirming its biblical authenticity. In a day when the blood of Jesus is being removed from the very translation of the Bible itself, when the mention of the blood of Jesus is considered offensive even in the churches, it is more important than ever for this book by Andrew Murray to remove the misconceptions. "The Power of the Blood of Christ" is a God-send for thos...
Estados Unidos, ?que tanto conoce su historia? Todos necesitamos saber mas acerca de esta tierra quequeremos. En esta historia apasionante de una nacion, el pasado de nuestro paiscobra vida. Aqui tiene la historia de aquellos que escogimos para que nosguiaran y lo que hicieron con el asombroso poder que les dimos. De la valientey brillante mente del autor de gran exito de ventas, William J. Bennett, llegaeste relato emocionante de las virtudes y vicios de nuestro gran pais y losmuchos hombres y...
Ellen White reported to her fellow believers her visionary experiences. James White, and others of the Adventist pioneers, viewed these experiences as the Biblical gift of prophecy as outlined in Revelation 12:17 and 19:10 which describe the testimony of Jesus as the "spirit of prophecy". Her Conflict of the Ages series of writings endeavor to showcase the hand of God in Biblical and Christian church history. This cosmic conflict, referred to as the "Great Controversy theme", is foundational to...
The Mystical Life of Jesus (Rosicrucian Library, #3)
by H Spencer Lewis
This biography of the historical figure of Jesus is for a non-specialist readership. In the first part of this study, Professor Sanders proposes that people can have an excellent knowledge about Jesus on a general level: where he fits into the history and religious movements of first-century Palestine, the main themes of his teaching, his principal activities and those who followed him. But more specific questions, such as "What was he like?", "What were his aims?" can be answered with less cert...