Deepening Trauma Practice: A Gestalt Approach to Ecology and Ethics
by Miriam Taylor
How can therapists work with individuals affected by trauma to develop therapeutic relationships? This book explores how trauma is embedded in our fragmented world; the relational space in the therapy session; and finally, the Gestalt premise that the complex and interconnected network of relationships is greater than the sum of its parts. Moving beyond individualism, the book examines how trauma is an outcome of profound disconnection and how healing requires reconnection in equally multiple...
Mending the World
Mending the World provides a blueprint for making a difference in the intractable social issues that exist today. It presents the compelling drama of thirteen stories of people on the firing lines in countries in Africa , Europe, Scandinavia, as well as Brazil, Cambodia, North of Ireland, and the USA . The cases involve diverse real world issues, such as AIDS reduction, poverty, political conflict, natural disasters, and dilemmas in supporting the aged. The stories are framed by the editors with...
Gestalt Therapy: Perspectives and Applications
A clínica, a relação psicoterapêutica e o manejo em Gestalt-terapia
by Lilian Meyer Frazao
Enfrentando crises e fechando Gestalten
by Lilian Meyer Frazão (Orgs )
In this book, Kurt Koffka reformulates the basic question of perception. In the past it had often been assumed that there was really no need to explain the features of veridical perception. Here Koffka rejects this approach: regardless of the veridicality of perception, the researcher must always ask the question, "Why do things look as they do?" The book details the phenomenological and holistic approach to this question which the Gestalt movement embraced, while also reviewing the extensive re...
Dentro Y Fuera del Tarro de la Basura (in and Out the Garbage Pail)
by Fritz Perls
One of the pioneers of Gestalt psychology, Wolfgang K hler (1887-1967) broke new ground in numerous areas of human thought. This collection of writings spans K hler's brilliant and productive career, beginning with his earliest formulations of Gestalt theory through to his last scientific paper--a perceptive overview of the significant advances of Gestalt psychology. Many of these essays have never before been published in English. Together they illustrate the diversified, highly innovative cont...