Internationally bestselling author Dan Ariely brings his unique perspective to bear on a maelstrom of life's problems - from how to deal with a Christmas card list that's fast becoming unmanageable to whether or not you should have children. Ariely changed the way we view ourselves, how we think and how we act, with his book Predictably Irrational. In his immensely popular Wall Street Journal advice column, where readers "Ask Ariely" for his help with various dilemmas, he provides a logical vie...
Actions have consequences--and the ability to learn from them revolutionized life on earth. While it's easy enough to see that consequences are important (where would we be without positive reinforcement?), few have heard there's a science of consequences, with principles that affect us every day. Despite their variety, consequences appear to follow a common set of scientific principles and share some similar effects in the brain--such as the "pleasure centers." Nature and nurture always work...
This book explains the philosophy of the science of behaviour and challenges the traditional answers to questions of behaviour as well as refuting common misconceptions about behaviourism. The author looks at the causes of behaviour, stimulation, instincts, perceptions, verbal behaviour, motivation and emotion and more, turning the explanation of behaviour inside out and calling for a drastic change in our way of thinking about man.
Proceedings from the 7th Annual Scientific Meeting of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine
An argument that the meaning of a psychological or biological measure depends on the age, gender class, and ethnicity of the human subject.In Kinds Come First, the distinguished psychologist Jerome Kagan argues that—contrary to the common assumption—age, gender, social class, and ethnicity affect the outcomes of psychological measures, and he questions the popular practice that uses statistical procedures to remove the effects of these categories to confirm a favored predictor-outcome relation....
Maintaining that dreams prepare people for death and afterlife and that traditional religions have ignored dreams when it comes to death, the author attempts in this book to uncover the symbolism of death as found in dreams. She also compares death dreams to accounts of near-death experiences.
There has recently been a resurgence of interest in problem or challenging behaviours in people with severe learning difficulties (severe or profound mental handicaps) with the shift to community care. This study provides a comprehensive summary of applied behavioural approaches to understanding and treating aggressive, destructive and self-injurious behaviours shown by people with severe learning difficulties. Emphasis is placed throughout the book upon the need for researchers and practitioner...
Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by Sigmund Freud
Framed in Jungian theory, portrays midlife as a time for renewal, growth, and understanding.
Ruth Meese addresses the needs of students with mild to moderate behavioral disorders as well as children who are not identified as special education students, but who experience social and emotional problems. She offers a broad focus on mild to moderate emotional and behavioral disorders and the strategies teachers can choose for working with the child, based on the child's needs, the environment, and the teacher.
Focusing on applied behavioural analysis, this text uses generalization programming to show students how to apply behavioural concepts to complex everyday situations with which they are familiar. Each concept is introduced, defined, and illustrated, followed by recall questions and hypothetical stories. Students learn how to identify a variety of examples of that concept while discriminating from the non-examples provided.
ABC of Behavioural Methods (Parent, Adolescent and Child Training Skills (PACTS))