First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Launchpad for Nolan's Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (1-Term Access)
by University Susan A Nolan and Thomas Heinzen
Swimmer, The: An Integrated Computational Model of a Perceptual-Motor System
by William R Uttal, Gary Bradshaw, Sriram Dayanand, Robb Lovell, and Thomas Shepherd
Die renommierte Autorin und Oxytocinforscherin, Kerstin Uvnas Moberg, betrachtet in diesem Buch Nahe und Beziehung aus einem hoechst spannenden physiologischen Blickwinkel. Nahe, Koerperkontakt und Beziehung stimulieren die Ausschuttung von Oxytocin. Dieses "Hormon der Nahe" bewirkt Ruhe und Entspannung, baut Angst ab, verbessert unsere Wahrnehmung fur Beziehungssignale, erhoeht unser Vertrauen in andere Menschen und fuhrt insgesamt dazu, dass wir leistungsfahiger und gesunder sind. Die Heraus...
Pokerface und Unschuldsmiene Befinden wir uns im Wurgegriff unserer Gefuhle? Oder vermoegen wir unsere Emotionen zu kontrollieren? Spuren wir, wenn wir emotional werden, und spuren wir es rechtzeitig? Wie kundigt sich eine emotionale Reaktion in unserem Inneren an? Und sehen andere, was in uns vorgeht? Verrat uns das Gesicht unseres Gegenubers, was er oder sie gerade empfindet? Interpretieren wir Gefuhlsausdrucke richtig? Und wie leicht lassen wir uns tauschen? Koennen wir lernen, unausgesproc...
The Chemistry of Sexual Behavior (Critical Topics in Sexuality Research)
This collection contains contributions from experts on the influence of hormones, neurotransmitters, and neural activity on sexual behavior as well as the effects of sexual behavior, interest, and arousal.
The Subconscious Mind And The Cure Of Undesirable Habits - Pamphlet
by Gertrude A Bradford
Discriminative Properties of Reinforcement Schedules (Quantitative Analyses of Behavior)
The Psychological Implications of Creative Activities
by Celeste Combrinck
Kierkegaard and the Rise of Modern Psychology (APA Psychotherapy Video)
by Sven Hroar Klempe
This book investigates the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard's (1813–1855) contributions to our understanding of psychology. In Kierkegaard's historical context, psychology was challenged from both scientific and philosophical perspectives. Kierkegaard considered psychology a core discipline central to his understanding of metaphysics as well as theology. The first part examines Kierkegaard and experimental psychology, focusing on Kierkegaard's work explicitly referring to psychology. The se...
Evolution and Learning
First published in 1987. Evolutionary theory and learning theory have for a long time developed in quite separate traditions. The purpose of this book is partly to celebrate new developments in the two theories by displaying some of the work of this new breed of scholar. It is the editors’ hope that they can encourage others to look more carefully at the mechanisms that make learning an evolutionary consideration and evolution a learning theory consideration.
Foundations of Behavioral Research
by Kenneth M. Rosenberg and Helen R. Daly
Accessible to a wide range of academic abilities, this new text prepares students of psychology and other behavioural and social sciences to effectively read and evaluate scientific literature and to design and execute their own research projects. Material uses extensive examples and analogies and shows how research has practical applications extending far beyond academic life.
Cognitive Processes and Spatial Orientation in Animal and Man (Nato Science Series D:, #37)
by Lambert M Surhone, Miriam T Timpledon, and Susan F Marseken
Human Agency and Neural Causes provides an analysis of our everyday thought about our conduct, and the neuroscience research concerning voluntary agency. J.D. Runyan argues that our findings through neuroscience are consistent with what would be expected if we are, in fact, voluntary agents.
La Perception Du Temps Chez l''enfant (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Bobin-Begue-A