Perception of Form and Forms of Perception
by R M Granovskaya, I J Bereznaya, and Alla N Grigorieva
First Published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Psycholinguistique Cognitive de la Parole Assimil e (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Snoeren-N
The Theory of Statistics in Psychology (Annals of Theoretical Psychology, #16)
This edition of Annals of Theoretical Psychology focuses on the utilization of statistics and the empirical nature of them as applied to psychology in action. Beginning with statements from the American Statistical Association on the applicability of statistics, the volume moves to a discussion of empiricism in psychology, and the reliance on statistics. The book then branches out to discuss applied aspects of statistics in Emergency management, policing, and technology. In these areas, a tie...
Die klassische Neuroanatomie scheiterte am Versuch, eine Erklarungsbasis fur die Gesetzmassigkeiten von Kognition, Verhalten, Erinnerung und Emotion zu schaffen. Eine Cartesianische Geist-Koerper-Kluft verlauft daher mitten durch die Neurologie und Psychiatrie, die erst jetzt mit neuen neurobiologischen Einsichten eingeebnet wird. Der Autor entwickelt ein anatomisch und neurophysiologisch orientiertes Verstandnis fur Gefuhle, fur die Sexualitat, fur die trugerische Gewissheit von Erinnerung und...
The Experimental Psychology of Beauty (Collected Works of C.W. Valentine)
by C.W. Valentine
Originally published in 1962, the experimental study of aesthetics was a field particularly associated with the name of C.W. Valentine, who in this book provided a critical review of research carried out since the end of the nineteenth century principally by British and American psychologists. The investigations described, many of them conducted by the author, are concerned with individual responses to what is commonly regarded as beautiful in painting, music, and poetry, an important distinctio...
Adaptive Learning and the Human Condition presents the basic principles of classical (Pavlovian) and instrumental (Skinnerian) conditioning in a more coherent and expansive manner than is the case in other textbooks. Learning is defined as an adaptive process through which individuals acquire the ability to predict, and where possible, control the environment. This overarching definition enables integration of traditional Pavlovian and Skinnerian principles and terminology and makes explicit why...
Mirroring (Psychology)
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster
Harry Harlow
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster
Master Mind Magazine, April 1914 To September 1914
by Annie Rix Militz
Im Alltag sind wir oft davon überzeugt, verschiedene Handlungsmöglichkeiten zu haben und uns „frei“ für eine der Möglichkeiten entscheiden zu können. Dagegen wird von Vertretern der Hirnforschung der freie Wille als Irrglaube deklariert. Unser Verhalten beruhe auf Gehirnfunktionen, die ihrerseits durch unsere genetische Ausstattung und unsere Umwelterfahrungen geprägt sind. In diesem essential wird argumentiert, dass ein freier Wille nicht gegen Naturgesetze verstößt und dass die Determinierthei...
Quelle Quantit de Texte Mettre Sur Un Diaporama Multim dia? (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Le Bohec-O
Reading Retardation and Multi-Sensory Teaching (Psychology Revivals)
by Charles Hulme
This short critical introduction to the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu is a model of clarity and insight. Where Bourdieu's original writings are often densely argued and ambiguous, Richard Jenkins is direct, concise and to the point. He emphasises Bourdieu's contirbutions to the theory and methodology while also dealing in detail with his substantive studies of education, social stratification and culture. His book provides the best short English-language introduction to Bourdieu's work.