Hochaltrigkeit (Integrative Modelle in Psychotherapie, Supervision Und Berat)
In der Politik wird die sogenannte Vergreisung der Gesellschaft meist als Problem gesehen, z.B. fur die Rentenkassen oder das Gesundheitssystem, doch sind mit dem hohen Alter auch positive Aspekte verbunden: Das Buch beleuchtet in interdisziplinarer Sicht Probleme, Herausforderung und Chancen der Hochaltrigkeit - sowohl aus gesellschaftlicher, vor allem aber aus individueller Perspektive. Mit einem modernen, biopsychosozialen Ansatz werden wichtige Themen wie das alternde Gehirn, die psychologis...
ADHD in Lebanese Schools (SpringerBriefs in Psychology) (SpringerBriefs in School Psychology)
by Hala Mohammed Berri and Anies Al-Hroub
This Brief addresses the causes, assessment, and treatment of ADHD in Lebanese schoolchildren. It details how the disorder is currently defined in Lebanese elementary schools and examines schoolteachers’ understanding of and conceptions about ADHD across three domains: general knowledge; symptoms and diagnosis; and treatment. This concise volume presents the authors’ research into Lebanese schoolteachers’ knowledge of ADHD and their ability and readiness to address the psychological and academic...
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
by Marjorie J Kostelnik, Anne K Soderman, Alice P Whiren, and Michelle L Rupiper
This comprehensive text brings together the best information currently available for developing an integrated approach to curriculum and instruction in the early years. It is designed for current and future early childhood professionals working in formal group settings with young children ranging in age from three to eight. The text also creates a bridge between the worlds of child care and early education, as well as between preprimary and primary programs. The effective ideas presented are des...
Islands of Eight Million Smiles (Harvard East Asian Monographs)
by Hiroshi Aoyagi
AEPS Curriculum for Birth to Three Years
Convenient and reliable, AEPS is a curriculum-based assessment/evaluation system designed for use with children from birth to 6 years who have special needs or are at risk for developmental delays, Developed and refined through more than 10 years of field-testing, the two measurement volumes track six key AEPS domains -- fine motors, gross motor, adaptive, cognitive, social-communication, and social development -- and provide a framework for developing IEP/IFSP objectives. The two curriculum vol...
The SAGE Handbook of Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education
With the expertise of a body of international contributors from Australia, Canada, USA, UK, Finland, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece and Chile, this handbook explores key in-depth issues in quality Early Childhood Development and Education. Unlike previous publications in the discipline, this title combines research and practice to investigate emotional and social development, wellbeing and mental health, language, cultural environments, as well as the role of parents in a child's development. It...
History of Childhood (Condor Books)
from the Foreword: Possibly the heartless treatment of children, from the practice of infanticide and abandonment through to the neglect, the rigors of swaddling, the purposeful starving, the beatings, the solitary confinement, and so on, was and is only one aspect of the basic aggressiveness and cruelty of human nature, of the inbred disregard of the rights and feelings of others. Children, being physically unable to resist aggression, were the victims of forces over which they had no control,...
'A touching, tender story filled with wonderful humour. An absolute joy' Sarah Haywood 'A very special book, really enjoyable' Katie Fforde I don't have any friends, only dog ones, because they don't make you do bad things. I don't want any human friends, actually. It's for the best.' Hope Nicely hasn't had an easy life. But she's happy enough living at 23 Station Close with her mum, Jenny Nicely, and she loves her job, walking other people's dogs. She's a bit different, but as Jenny always...
"Blended learning" is an educational approach that combines online and face-to-face components in the classroom, and it is becoming popular in American schools. But the quality of these programs is inconsistent; some are based on scientific findings on how children learn, while others lack such support. In fact, very little reliable information is currently available on how to create, use, and measure the results of blended learning programs. Instruction Modeling is both a practical guide to de...
Spielen weckt in allen Altersstufen die in uns angelegte Kreativität, Kommunikationsfähigkeit und Kooperation, die heute als Schlüsselqualifikationen für eine gelingende Lebensgestaltung im 21. Jahrhundert gelten. In unserer leistungsorientierten Gesellschaft kommt jedoch eine spielerische Herangehensweise an das Leben zu kurz. Das Buch bringt deshalb einen Gegenentwurf zum Optimierungswahn, dem Kinder ausgesetzt sind und der sich dann im Erwachsenenalter in Form der Selbstoptimierung fortsetzt....
The Transition to Adulthood and Family Relations: An Intergenerational Approach
by Eugenia Scabini, Elena Marta, and Margherita Lanz
Colin Heywood's classic account of childhood from the early Middle Ages to the First World War combines a long-run historical perspective with a broad geographical spread. This new, comprehensively updated edition incorporates the findings of the most recent research, and in particular revises and expands the sections on theoretical developments in the 'new social studies of childhood', on medieval conceptions of the child, on parenting and on children’s literature. Rather than merely narratin...
Origins of the Social Mind
by Professor David F Bjorklund and Bruce J Ellis
Until now, evolutionary psychologists have focused largely on understanding adult behavior, giving little sustained attention to childhood. Developmental psychologists, for their part, have been wary of the perceived genetic determinism of evolutionary thinking. This important volume brings together an array of prominent developmental scientists whose work is explicitly driven by evolutionary concerns. Presenting sophisticated new models for understanding gene-environment interactions, the autho...