"Human Performance and Ergonomics" brings together a comprehensive and modern account of how the context of performance is crucial to understanding behavior. Environment provides both constraints and opportunities to individuals, such that external conditions may have reciprocal or interactive effects on behavior. The book begins with an account of research in human factors and engineering, with application of research to real world environments, methodological concerns, and rumination on curren...
Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences, First Edition (Methodology in the Social Sciences)
by David Kaplan
This book has been replaced by Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences, Second Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-5354-9.
Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
by Joan Welkowitz, Barry H. Cohen, and Robert B. Ewen
A comprehensive and user-friendly introduction to statistics-now revised and updated Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences has had a long and successful history and is a popular and well-respected statistics text. Now in its sixth edition, the text has been thoroughly revised to present all the topics students in the behavioral sciences need in a uniquely accessible format that aids in the comprehension and implementation of the statistical analyses most commonly used in the behavi...
This book demonstrates how to conduct latent variable modeling (LVM) in R by highlighting the features of each model, their specialized uses, examples, sample code and output, and an interpretation of the results. Each chapter features a detailed example including the analysis of the data using R, the relevant theory, the assumptions underlying the model, and other statistical details to help readers better understand the models and interpret the results. Every R command necessary for conducting...
Statistical Power Analysis for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
by Xiaofeng Steven Liu
This is the first book to demonstrate the application of power analysis to the newer more advanced statistical techniques that are increasingly used in the social and behavioral sciences. Both basic and advanced designs are covered. Readers are shown how to apply power analysis to techniques such as hierarchical linear modeling, meta-analysis, and structural equation modeling. Each chapter opens with a review of the statistical procedure and then proceeds to derive the power functions. This is f...
Approaching Multivariate Analysis, 2nd Edition
by Pat Dugard, John Todman, and Harry Staines
This fully updated new edition not only provides an introduction to a range of advanced statistical techniques that are used in psychology, but has been expanded to include new chapters describing methods and examples of particular interest to medical researchers. It takes a very practical approach, aimed at enabling readers to begin using the methods to tackle their own problems. This book provides a non-mathematical introduction to multivariate methods, with an emphasis on helping the reader...
Collaboration between statisticians and behavioural scientists can benefit both the design and analysis of a practical research post. In this case-orientated approach the authors demonstrate how such a collaboration works, using an example drawn from child psychiatry. This is followed through to show the statistical techniques available to tackle a range of research questions and data. This book is designed to be of interest to postgraduate students of psychological statistics.
This short but thorough guide approaches statistics with a sense of fun and intellectual excitement. Writing in a relaxed and conversational manner, Garner encourages even the most math-aversive readers to think about statistical material in words and to understand formulas in terms of concepts. This discursive approach to math and an insistence on linking concepts, formulas, and empirical examples in a holistic manner allows readers to choose their own routes to learning math-related ideas. As...
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
by Frederick J Gravetter and Larry B Wallnau
This introductory statistics text is designed for courses in psychological and educational statistics and is written in an explanatory style. Features new to this edition include "In the Literature" sections to help students learn how to report statistics and results as well as learn how to read and interpret scientific journals. The Minitab chapter has been removed and is now a separate supplement available to those who wish to cover it.
Student Study Guide with Ibm(r) Spss(r) Workbook for Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
by Dr Gregory J Privitera
Survey Data Analysis in Applied Settings
by James F. Griffith and Gregory Benoit
Survey Data Analysis in Applied Settings provides readers with an accessible hands-on approach to modern day applied survey data analysis. It offers detailed insights and step-by-step methods and techniques to collect, prepare, analyze and interpret survey data. The book covers the presentation of data, an overview of survey design, nonresponse and missing data analysis, and an awareness of the hidden biases that often underlie poorly analyzed survey data. A companion website features computer c...
Analysis of Qualitative Data (The Analysis of Qualitative Data)
by S. Haberman
Event History Analysis With Stata
by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Katrin Golsch, and Gotz Rohwer
Event History Analysis With Stata provides an introduction to event history modeling techniques using Stata (version 9), a widely used statistical program that provides tools for data analysis. The book emphasizes the usefulness of event history models for causal analysis in the social sciences and the application of continuous-time models. T
Statistics play a major role in psychological research. This text aims to fill the gap between a very general introductory book and a highly technical research-level book. It contains examples and data sets relevant to actual problems in behavioural science, with an emphasis on graphical presentation, and a focus on computer methods rather than basic arithmetic. It is designed for advanced students and more experienced researchers who want a quick reference or refresher on statistics.
Statistics, Eighth Edition for University of California San Diego
by Robert S. Witte and John S Witte
Transforming Psychology: Gender in Theory and Practice
by Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies Program Stephanie Riger
Measurement, Judgment, and Decision Making (Handbook of Perception and Cognition, Second Edition)
by Michael H Birnbaum
PASW Statistics 17 Made Simple (replaces SPSS Statistics 17)
by Paul R. Kinnear and Colin D Gray
SPSS is now PASW Statistics! Reflecting the latest developments in statistics software from SPSS Inc., this new edition of one of the most widely read textbooks in its field keeps the reader abreast of the latest improvements in PASW Statistics 17 (the new name for SPSS Statistics 17). This friendly and informal textbook is a non-technical and readable introduction to one of the most powerful and versatile statistical packages on the market. The new edition combines clarity of presentation with...