The Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning (Oxford Library of Psychology)
Amid fluctuations in today's job markets and economies, the importance of learning across the lifespan has become a point of emphasis for governments and employers throughout the world. The Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary examination of the theory and practice of lifelong learning, encompassing perspectives from human resources development, adult learning, psychology, career and vocational learning, management and executive development, cultural an...
"Are you an ethical person?" Regardless of your answer, a follow-up probe might be: "How do you know?" Your personal values reflect your beliefs, what you care about. These values, if they really matter to you, are activated by and through your everyday decisions. How do you ensure that your values, those that reflect your best ethical self, are actually demonstrated in the choices you make on a daily basis? Sometimes what we say we value does not match our actual behavior. Being ethical require...
Vertrauensforschung 2010: A State of the Art (Psychologie Und Gesellschaft, #9)
Die Vertrauensforschung, noch vor 10 Jahren eine Art Stiefkind wissenschaftlicher Schwerpunktsetzungen, boomt. Neue Erkenntnisse sind gewonnen, neue Themenfelder erschlossen, im gesellschaftlichen Diskurs sind Vertrauensphanomene bzw. Vertrauenskrisen in aller Munde. Dieser Band versucht, die inzwischen hohe Vielfalt der vorliegenden Forschungsergebnisse zu bundeln und den 'State of the Art' in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen zu resumieren. Aktuelle theoretische Stroemungen, wissens...
Dieses Buch basiert auf Befragungen auslandserfahrener deutscher Fuhrungskrafte und Fuhrungskraften aus grossen deutschen Unternehmen, die fur die Auslandsentsendungen zustandig sind. Das Buch nimmt den Auslandseinsatz, die interkulturelle Kommunikation und das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter wahrend ihres Aufenthaltes im Ausland unter die Lupe. Es zeigt Wege auf, die die Firmen oder die Betroffenen selbst beschreiten konnen, um ihren Auslandsaufenthalt optimal zu gestalten. Hierzu werden Empfehlun...
Fernweh Und Reiselust - Streifzuge Durch Die Tourismuspsychologie
by Hans-Peter Herrmann and Pauline Wetzel
Dieses Sachbuch befasst sich auf unterhaltsame Weise mit der psychologischen Seite des Reisens. Wie der Buchtitel bereits erahnen lasst, erfahrt der Leser in 40 kurzen Kapiteln wesentliche Entscheidungs- und Handlungsweisen. Diese werden dem Leser eindrucklich und unterhaltsam mittels psychologischer Erklarungen nahegebracht. Das Sachbuch umspannt einen weiten Themenbogen: von der Werbebegegnung und Entstehung von Reisewunschen uber Reiseentscheidungsprobleme bis hin zum Phanomen Urlaubsstress....
Throughout history, humanity has regularly followed anti-rational figures and forces: demagogic rulers, perverted deities, exploitative economic systems, and so on. Such leadership and followership have wrought all kinds of oppression and conflict. What if this pattern could be altered? What if society were led by Reason instead? Prompted by Cicero's exhortation to "follow reason as leader as though it were a god", Following Reason: A Theory and Strategy for Rational Leadership explores this int...
Intellectual Teamwork: Social and Technological Foundations of Cooperative Work
Light Atonement: Discovering Your Life's Purpose
by Ariyana A Star Child
Light Atonement takes readers on a spiritual journey, one that is as enlightening as it is unusual. Ariyana, the narrator of this journey, describes her transition from life as a wife, mother and successful entrepreneur to a spiritual traveler who develops the capacity to move through alternative universes, to communicate with angels and to heal the sick. More than anything else, she emerges from this journey with knowledge that can provide comfort and guidance for all readers--knowledge that...
Stop submitting to outdated evolutionary instincts that are making you miserable. Instead, learn to leverage your relationships so you can dream bigger, achieve whatever you want, and build a life that makes you happier with each passing day. No greater force for change exists than the people we surround ourselves with. Relationshift explores how your worldview has been colored by the people in your life, how this limits or expands your options, and what to do about it. Through the stories of...
The author of the book discusses the essence and social consequences of the postmodern era in the field of psychology of work and technology. He describes the relationship between the human being and the goals achieved through the use of technical tools, which is of interest to the industrial and engineering psychology. The second chapter provides a detailed classification of operator-machine system models: technocentric, anthropocentric, and operator-machine interface. In the third chapter, the...
Coach Statt Couch - Ein Innovatives Beratungskonzept F r Menschen Mit Adhs-Symptomen
by Regine Hinkelmann
Stress in Turbulent Times
by Ashley Weinberg, Dr Cary L Cooper, and Professor Cary Cooper
Meaningful Work: Viktor Frankl's Legacy for the 21st Century
by Beate von Devivere
This book offers meaningful work as one of the most relevant issues for 21st century workplaces, and organizations seeking to develop leadership and drive positive change. It uses Viktor Frankl's legacy as a scientific and philosophical pioneer, while combining cutting edge research findings from the behavioural sciences, organizational and management research, and human resource development with outstanding examples of new work approaches of leadership from around the globe. In order to respond...
Paradox and Power in Caring Leadership (New Horizons in Leadership Studies)
Why does it matter that our leaders care about us? What might we reasonably expect from a caring leader, and what price are we prepared to pay for it? Is caring leadership something 'soft', or can it be linked to strategy and delivery? International scholars from the fields of ancient and modern philosophy, psychology, organization studies and leadership development offer a strikingly original debate on what it means for leaders to care. At a time when the challenges of leadership are rarely o...
Diversity in contemporary society, particularly western societies, is usually taken for granted, whether it’s conceived around ethnicity, gender or culture. But making the most of a diverse workforce on an organisational level, in terms of the challenges and opportunities that managing heterogeneous teams and organizations involves, is only gradually gaining attention. This is the first book to provide both empirical evidence and a theoretical framework to inform effective management across a...