Cow Jumped Over the Moon, The: The Strange and Extraordinary Tale of a Nervous Breakdown
by Rachael Ann Malai
Actions have consequences--and the ability to learn from them revolutionized life on earth. While it's easy enough to see that consequences are important (where would we be without positive reinforcement?), few have heard there's a science of consequences, with principles that affect us every day. Despite their variety, consequences appear to follow a common set of scientific principles and share some similar effects in the brain--such as the "pleasure centers." Nature and nurture always work...
Shell Shock: Traumatic Neurosis and the British Soldiers of the First World War
by Peter Leese and Peter Dr Leese
Biological Psychology/ Statistics without Maths for Psycology/ Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence/Companion Website with Gradetracker: Student Access Card: Biological Psychology
by Frederick M. Toates, Professor Christine Dancey, Dr John Reidy, John Maltby, Liz Day, and Ann Macaskill
2007 Report on Woodworking Boring Machines, The: World Market Segmentation by City
by Philip M. Parker
More than 60 million books sold in the Teach Yourself series!Discover the key to great body language, how to build a rapport, handle conflict and negotiate "Persuade Anyone with NLP" gives you the secret behind increased power, personal effectiveness and charisma, improving the quality of your life and enabling you to get what you want, whether in the workplace, the shopping mall, or at home with the family. Using the NLP toolkit, you will unlock the secret of effective communication in all its...
Mathematical Principles of Human Conceptual Behavior (Scientific Psychology)
by Ronaldo Vigo
The ability to learn concepts lies at the very core of human cognition, enabling us to efficiently classify, organize, identify, and store complex information. In view of the basic role that concepts play in our everyday physical and mental lives, the fields of cognitive science and psychology face three long standing challenges: discovering the laws that govern concept learning and categorization behavior in organisms, showing how they inform other areas of cognitive research, and describing th...
A discussion of the effects of trauma and post-traumatic stress. It shows that it is not just crash and accident victims that suffer this, but a wide range of ordinary individuals at work and at home who suddenly find their lives turned upside down by traumatic events. Eva Roman and Roger Le Duc-Barnett demonstrate how everyone should be aware of the problem and the potential remedies. Areas covered include: how to recognise the symptoms; what the causes of trauma are; the consequences of failin...
Health Anxiety: Clinical and Research Perspectives on Hypochondriasis and Related Conditions
by G J G Asmundson, Steven Taylor, and Brian Cox
2007 Report on Automotive Screw Machine Products, The: World Market Segmentation by City
by Philip M. Parker
Almost Anxious: Is My (or My Loved One's) Worry or Distress a Problem?
by Luana Marques
The thinker who has a mortal fear of being wrong will give all that is valuable in himself to that little ambition. Walter Lippmann (1914) Psychology has always been plagued by passing fads and fan- cies to a greater extent than is seemly in a scientific discipline. Over the past few years the Zeitgeist can be summed up by the two words 'cognitive psychology'. Indeed, a recent poll of academic psychologists in American indicated that over 80% of them regarded themselves as cognitive psychologist...
This book is crafted around soldiers’ personal descriptions of their war experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq that culminate in life-altering injuries to the brain and psyche, along with the equally dramatic story of their recoveries. An irony of America’s 21st century wars has been that while our combat medical and medevac capabilities have grown enormously (from a rough average of 4:1 wounded to dead in World War II to 8:1 today), the nature of many of America’s soldiers’ wounds has undergone a...
Foundations of Neuropsychology
The brain is a cognitive organ, and regions of the brain that traverse brainstem and cortical sites orchestrate the expression of bodily sensibility: intelligent action. They can appear perfunctory or intimate, calculating a sum or selecting a mate. Schulkin presents neuroscientific research demonstrating that thought is not on one side and bodily sensibility on the other; from a biological point of view, they are integrated. Schulkin further argues that this integration has important implica...